Historia De Francia

Páginas: 12 (2795 palabras) Publicado: 30 de mayo de 2012
France is one of the oldest states in Europe, although France only appears with the name from the middle Ages difficult to specify a date irrefutably. It fully recognizes the historical precedent of Gaul as France, while the European Gaul occupied an area slightly larger than France today.

European hegemonic wars in France tried to impose it several times and at different times had to dealwith most of Europe (separately or together as a counterweight to French expansionism). So it was with Charlemagne (Charles I, "The Great") in the ninth century, Louis XIV ("The Sun King") in the seventeenth century, and Napoleon Bonaparte (Napoleon "the Great") in the nineteenth century.


There are important remains of the Lower Paleolithic in the Somme River and the Pyreneestraditional (Neanderthal) and in La Chapelle-aux-Saints, Le Moustier and La Ferrasie. Upper Paleolithic there are abundant traces of Cro-Magnon, Grimaldi and Chancelade, dated at 25,000 years old, which are located in the valley of the Dordogne. [1] Among the most famous cave paintings in the world are those of Lascaux and Font de Gaume, in the French Pyrenees.

In the Mesolithic some agriculturalactivities were replaced in importance to the caves, and the Neolithic (from the III millennium BC) came the megalithic culture (which used menhirs, dolmens and burial). From around 1500 B.C. starts the Bronze Age, developing trade routes.

It has been found Acheulean tool industry of homo erectus from 900 to 1000 years ago in the cave you Vallonnet, in southern France. The Iron Age and Celticcultures are within the first millennium BC

Old Age:

What is now France, was once known as Gaul. Gaul was inhabited by the Gauls, Celtic Indo-European people. Its borders were partially stabilized by the north with the current Channel, on the west by the Gulf of Biscay (Atlantic Ocean), south to the Pyrenees and the Mediterranean Sea, and on the east by the Rhine River ( that separatedhim from the Germania) and the Alps mountains (which separated him from Italy). The Celtic Gauls staged La Tene civilizations and Vix. In southern Gaul was established by the Greeks (Ionians), who founded Massalia (Marseille), Agde, among others (VIII-VI century BC).

Julius Caesar conquered Gaul chief Vercingetorix in 51 BC, creating a cushion between Rome and the Germanic peoples, withtheir migrations regularly harassed Rome. Then there was a genocide that the population decreased significantly gala. This facilitated the rapid Latinization, but also the work that began not long after making the first Christian missionaries who progressed to expand within the borders of the Roman Empire. Thus, most of the Celtic Gaul soon became Latin and Christian. Lugdunum (Lyon) became animportant Christian religious center. Latin and Christian Gaul increasingly enriched cultural achieved significant levels even survived the barbarian invasions. Times after the barbarian invasions the Germans had turned Latinos and the need to declare war on the Germans.

Middle Ages:

France was founded in 420 by Duke Pharamond. In 451 Attila the Hun leader invaded Gaul with the help of theFranks and Visigoths peoples. [4] is called the Kingdom of the Salian Franks. Since 486 is called the Kingdom of Soissons. Since 584 is called Neustria. From 840 is called the West Frankish kingdom. From 877 France. Franks, Burgundians (Burgundian), Vikings (Normans) and Britons (Bretons), merged with the Gauls in the crucible is now called France.

The Merovingian dynasty ruled what is now Franceand part of Germany between the V and VIII. The Carolingian Dynasty succeeded Charles Martel defeated and repulsed the Arab and Pepin the Short, the first formal king dynasty in 751, the Lombards conquered lands and created with them the States of the Church, also known as the Papal States or "Patrimony of St. Peter", as they are donated to the Pope and declared at the same time guaranteeing...
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