Historia Del Chocolate En Ingles

Páginas: 2 (466 palabras) Publicado: 29 de julio de 2012
Event's went full circle when English colonists carried chocolate (and coffee) with them to England's colonies in North America. Destined to become the United States of Americaand Canada, they are now the worlds largest consumers - by far - of both Chocolate and Coffee, consuming over half of the words total production of chocolate alone.
Thefirst mention of chocolate being eaten in solid form is when bakers in England began adding cocoa powder to cakes in the mid 1600's. Then in 1828 a Dutch chemist, Johannes Van Houten, invented a method ofextracting the bitter tasting fat or "cocoa butter" from the roasted ground beans, his aim was to make the drink smoother and more palatable, however he unknowingly paved the way for solid chocolateas we know it.
Chocolate as we know it today first appeared in 1847 when Fry & Sons of Bristol, England - mixed Sugar with Cocoa Powder and Cocoa Butter (made by the Van Houten process) to producethe first solid chocolate bar then, in 1875 a Swiss manufacturer, Daniel Peters, found a way to combine (some would say improve, some would say ruin) cocoa powder and cocoa butter with sugar and driedmilk powder to produce the first milk chocolate.

De vuelta a los AMERICA
Evento fue cerrado el círculo cuando los colonizadores ingleses llevó el chocolate (y café) con ellos a Inglaterra, lascolonias en América del Norte. Destinado a convertirse en los Estados Unidos de América y Canadá, ahora son los consumidores más grandes del mundo - por mucho - tanto de chocolate y café, que consumenmás de la mitad de la producción total de palabras de chocolate solo.

La primera mención de chocolate que se consume en forma sólida, es cuando los panaderos en Inglaterracomenzaron a agregar el cacao en polvo a las tortas a mediados de 1600. Luego, en 1828 un químico holandés, Johannes Van Houten inventó un método de extracción de la grasa de sabor amargo o...
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