
Páginas: 3 (608 palabras) Publicado: 20 de marzo de 2013
Chapter 2b
1. Look up the word nostrum. What does it mean? What is its significance in this chapter? (40)
2. “If food was the key to physical health, why not moral health too?” (41)
3. “ModernWestern practice in healthy eating…instead of privileging rarities…ranks commonplace foods and entire diets and ‘styles’ of eating in order of healthiness.” (41)
4. What were some motives orexplanations for adopting vegetarianism? (41-43) [Or James Salisbury’s anti-vegetarianism? (47)]
5. What cultural and social elements did the “nutritionist” movements of figures like Graham, Kellogg, Rorer andFletcher appeal to and draw strength from? I.e., why did people “buy into them” so readily? (43-46)
6. What is FFA referring to when he says that “Food, like much of what is worthwhile in life, isintractable to such reductionism.” (47)
7. “The vitamin could almost be classed not as a discovery, but as an invention…” (50)
8. What do you think FFA means by the term “civilization diseases”? (52)[See also the final paragraph of the Chapter, p.54.]
9. “[P]eople in the prosperous West…seem to have undergone a strange historical reversion, scouring the world for magic like the cannibals’—foodthat will build character or deflect adversity.” (52)
10. “It is hard to resist the impression that research has slowed or stopped prematurely, because a cheap culprit has been found”. (54)

1. Lapalabra nostrum se refiere en este capítulo a los distintos remedios caseros que se hacían con alimentos.
2. Esta es una reflexión que hace FFA sobre la comida. A la vez que tiene efectos para lasalud, también tiene efectos en el ámbito religioso o espiritual. Continuan existiendo comidas prohibidas porque pueden traer consecuencias.
3. En estas sociedades, siguiendo los pasos de Jerónimo deLobo, estaban interesados en diseñar las mejores dietas para poder conseguir la mejor salud. Se preocupaban de organizar los alimentos según su importancia y propiedades.
4. Algunos de los motivos...
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