
Páginas: 2 (382 palabras) Publicado: 22 de octubre de 2012
1 Love, Amar

2 Want, Querer

3 Need, Necesitar

4 Search, Buscar

5 Look, Mirar

6 See, Ver

7 Walk, Caminar

8 Run, Correr

9 Sleep, Dormir

10 Die, Morir

11 Be,Ser/Estar

12dream, Soñar

13 Clean, Limpiar

14 Think, Pensar

15 Sing ,Cantar

16 Start, Comenzar

17 Finish, Finalizar

18 Climb, Trepar

19 Type, Tipear

20 Speak, Hablar

21Talk, Charlar

22 Smile, Sonreir

23 Sell, Vender

24 Buy, Comprar

25 Like, Gustar

26 Call, Llamar

27 Meet, Encontrar

28 Eat, Comer

29 Drink,Beber

30 Feel, Sentir

31 Comb,Peinar

32 Put, Poner

33 Laugh, Reir

34 Cook, Cocinar

35 Do, Hacer

36 Make, Preparar

37write, Escribir

38 Read, Leer

39 Smell, Oler

40 Paint, Pintar

Oraciones converbo to be
I am very silly to do my own homeworks
I am a fool because I dont have brain
My teacher is a silly because I lie about my homework
My teacher is angry because yesterday no one fuckedher/him
I am so happy I love to suck the dicks of my brothers
My mom is bitch
My dad is a worse worker
I am sad because I can't think
I am sucker
My teacher is fucked up
Oraciones con do/does
1.-I do many things. Do I many thigs?
2.- You do the homework. Do you the homework?
3.- He does a table. Does he a table?
4.- She does a letter Does she a letter?
5.- It does coold. Do it coold?6.- We do many pictures. Do we many pictures?
7.- You do four chairs, Do you four chairs?
8.- They do some pens and pencils. Do they some pens and penci?.
9- They do carpets and pillows. Do theycarpets and pillows?
10.- She does rice pudding Does she rice pudding?
Oraciones con to have
1. Doctors have to treat people.
2. Teachers have to be very patient.
3. I have to drink milk.
4.Postmen have to deliver letters.
5. Sportsmen have to train very hard.
6. He doesn´t have to work in a bank.
7. I don´t have to work on Saturdays.
8. They don´t have to study a lot.
9. Does he have...
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