History of english language
It expresses an action that happens in the everyday life or that’s an habitual action.
Aff: =) + verb + Complement
Neg: =) + aux. do or does + not + verb + complement
Int: Aux do ordoes + =) + verb + complement
Ex: Omar doesn’t study hard.
It expresses a past action that is finished.
The form of the past simple is the same in all person.
Aff: =) + verb in past tense+ complement
Neg: =) + didn’t + verb in present + complement
Int: did + =) + verb in present + complement
Ex: She moved to USA 2 years ago.
This tense describes an activity that’shappening now
It also describes an activity in the nearly future.
Aff: =) + verb to be + verb with ing + complement
Neg: =) + verb to be + not + verb with ing + complement
Int: verb to be + =) + verbwith ing + complement
Ex: Are you going to San Francisco?
It is used to express an action that happened “for a period” of time in the past.
Aff: =) + verb to be in past + verb withing + complement
Neg: =) + verb to be in past + not + verb with ing + complement
Int: verb to be in past + =) + verb with ing + complement
Ex: We were watching a movie for 2 hours.
It’s used toexpress a prediction or willingness to talk about possible plans before you’ve made a decision we’re not sure or we don’t know yet.
Aff: =) + will + verb in present + complement
Neg: =) + won’t + verbin present + complement
Int: will + =) + verb in present + complement
Ex: I won’t play with you
It’s used to express future time and a prior plan to do something in the future, you always usethe verb to be followed by going to
Aff: =) + to be + going to + verb in present + complement
Neg: =) + verb to be + not + going to + verb in present + complement
Int: verb to be + =) + going to +verb in present + complement
I’m not going to stay here for a long time.
Have and have got are both used for possession. Have got refers to the present and to all time, even though it...
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