
Páginas: 3 (567 palabras) Publicado: 17 de agosto de 2012
Colegio el Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
Customer Service


5to bach A C.C.L.L.
María Fernanda Aquino
1. Benchmarking (Evaluación comparativa): Is a measurement ofthe quality of an organization's policies, products, programs, strategies, etc., and their comparison with standard measurements, or similar measurements of its peers.

2. Website (Sitio web): Isa depository of information destined for public or private use, usually residing in a remote server.

3. Web service (Servicios web): Automated resources accessed via the Internet. Web servicesare software-powered resources or functional components whose capabilities can be accessed at an internet URI.

4. Blog (blog): Is a journal (online diary) made available on the internet by anyindividual.

5. Click path (Veces que se visita un sitio web): Is the sequence of hyperlinks one or more website visitors follows on a given site. A visitor's click path may start within thewebsite or at a 3rd party website and it continues as a sequence of successive web pages visited by the visitor.

6. E-service (Servicio de correo): The meaning of E-service (short for electronicservice), represents one prominent application of utilizing the use of Information and communication technologies (ICTs) in different areas.

7. E-tailers (Empresas que utilizan internet para enviarproductos): Are electronic retailers, including online banks.

8. FAQ`S (Preguntas más frecuentes): It means frequently asked questions and it is the one that include key product questions withshort answers.

9. Knowledge base (Base de conocimientos): Are databases of answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ`S).

10. Live chat (Sistema de soporte que permite que alguien seayudado por una compañia en especifico): Is a common Web site support system, allowing someone to be assisted by a company representative, who typically handles more than one site visitor at a time....
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