
Páginas: 2 (470 palabras) Publicado: 7 de noviembre de 2012
* The toxicity is a degree to which a substance can harm humans or animals. Causing them harmful effects in an organism
Mole: A collection of 6.022 x 1023 (Avogadro’snumber) of objects. A mole is defined as the amount of matter that contains as many objects - atoms, molebules, or whatever objects are under consideration - as the number of atoms in exactly 12 g of12C.
Molar mass: The mass of one mole of a substance, usually expressed in grams or kilograms.
Different ways to report concentration on substances are parts per million (PPM) or in percentage .Inpercentage in shows you the percent of how many concentration does the thing you are measuring or doing whatever with it has, and in parts per million it shows the parts in scientific notation or inmillion units

Two cases in which the people can be intoxicated because of polluted water are this:
There is a chemical called Bisphenol A (BPA) that’s is usedto make plastic bottles, containers and cans and when this bottles heat or if the water touches the bottle this chemical is released and if you drink it you could have several harmful diseases themost common one is infertility , you could get other diseases too such as : diabetes, heart diseases or cancer in different parts of your body
Another cause is that some factories throw chemicalsinto the sea and that chemicals such as cadmium could be eaten by a fish or some aquatic animal that can be eaten by a fish the we humans could consume that fish that is intoxicated so we can becomeintoxicated too and we could have weird diseases .

Amount of cadmium that that is still safe is : 0.005 mg/L or 5 ppb.
In percentage is 0.0000005%
In moles are : 0.00004447963277615 molesConclusion
knowing about the pollution in water is important because that helps you identify if it has some chemicals in it so you can prevent diseases

In this project I learned about all chemicals that...
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