
Páginas: 3 (602 palabras) Publicado: 12 de diciembre de 2012
The 14th amendment was one of the three amendments passed after the Civil War that focused on the rights of African Americans. The 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments are called the ReconstructionAmendments. The 14th amendment guarantees the African Americans that were once slaves can become citizens of the United States with equal rights. This amendment overruled the Dred Scott Decision from 1857,which excluded slaves from having any rights. This amendment made it illegal for any state to deny a citizen their rights. "…Without due process…" means that there are certain steps that need to betaken, such as a court hearing, in order to take a citizen’s rights away. “Equal protection of the laws” means that the laws of a state must treat an individual the same way as others in similarconditions and situations.

Rice performed this song and dance around the country and he was one of the first white men to wear black face makeup. Whites were willing to watch depictions of blacksdancing and acting like fools. Jim Crow became the nickname for African Americans; its connotation however was not as negative as “nigger.” By the end of the 19th century, the name Jim Crow was no longerused to describe blacks, but more often used to describe the laws which demoralized African Americans. Rice was soon regarded as the "Father of American minstrelsy." Minstrel shows become popularthroughout the country before the radio and movies became widespread, this would have been from 1850 to 1870. Imitators, such as the “Virginian Minstrels,” were beginning to blacken their faces as well.These plays initiated and spread the stereotypes that blacks were “lazy, stupid, inherently less human, and unworthy of integration.” As blacks faced terrible racism, they were lynched in addition tobeing “victimized by the racist caricatures propagated through novels, sheet music, theatrical plays, and minstrel shows.” Rice, who had once become very rich due to his minstrel shows, died in poverty...
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