
Páginas: 2 (376 palabras) Publicado: 1 de febrero de 2013
Tarea 2 
Instrucciones. Resolver los siguientes problemas. 
Problema 1
Alden Enterprises produces two products. Each product can be produced on one of two machines. The length of
timeneeded to produce each product (in hours) on each machine is as shown in Table 57. Each month, 500
hours of time are available on each machine. Each month, customers are willing to buy up to thequantities of
each product at the prices given in Table 58. The company’s goal is to maximize the revenue obtained from
selling units during the next two months. Formulate an LP to help meetthis goal.

Problema 2
Gotham City Hospital serves cases from four diagnostic-related groups (DRGs). The profit contribution,
diagnostic service use (in hours), bed-day use (in days),nursing care use (in hours), and drug use (in dollars) are
given in Table 60. The hospital now has available each week 570 hours of diagnostic services, 1,000 bed-days,
50,000 nursing hours, and$50,000 worth of drugs. To meet the community’s minimum health care demands at
least 10 DRG1, 15 DRG2, 40 DRG3, and 160 DRG4 cases must be handled each week. Use LP to determine thehospital’s optimal mix of DRGs.

Problema 3 (extraído del libro de texto, problema 9, página 68)
Graphically determine two optimal solutions to the following LP.

Formato  del  reporte:  Generar el  reporte  en  Microsoft  Word,   usando  el  nombre  Tarea2EqX.doc  (ejemplo: 
Tarea2Eq90.docx).  Si  se  solucionó  usando  Excel,  hay  que  insertarlo  en  el  documento  principal  con vista  de 
ícono para accesarlo con doble click. La estructura del reporte deberá contener: 

Portada (ITESM,  nombre  del  curso, nombre  de  integrantes  y  sus  matrículas,  nombre  de la  actividad 
y fecha de entrega).  

Contenido  (separar  claramente  el  procedimiento  y  resultado  de  cada  problema,  usar  letra  Arial 
tamaño 12, a espacio sencillo). ...
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