
Páginas: 3 (531 palabras) Publicado: 20 de febrero de 2013
Neil Armstrong

Jonathan D. Mirabal
Mrs. Chinea

Neil Armstrong was a man who got all his fame doing only one thing. This little boy have born
in August five 1930 in aneconomic neighborhood This thing is that he was
the first human to go and walk in the moon. This guy was a multitask human because he have
four professions: Aerospace engineer, naval aviator, testpilot and university professor. The
profession that’s have more impact to me is the aerospace aviator, because imagine to you can be
a regular engineer you need to study hard, I don’t want toimagine how many you are going need
to study to be an aerospace engineer. In first place when Armstrong was almost five or six years
the flight was the center for him, exactly with this age he arrivehis first plane. When have 15
years he got the flying lessons and he passed. When he got the student pilot license he started to
flying small airplanes. Already with 16 years old he started thetest pilot carrier. When
Armstrong enters to the U.S. Navy in this moment he started to flight fighters’ airplanes. The
moment when all of the Armstrong fame start come was when he enter to theNASA. He enter
and automatically do his first flight was in the 1966, and have by name Gemini 8. This mission
had two main objectives. The two objectives where: Achieve an encounter in orbitcoupling and
achieve extended Eva. EdWhite during the Gemini lV, had spent a short twenty minutes outside
the spacecraft. Armstrong was some scary minutes in the history of spaceflight. The capsulestill docked to the Agena, began rolling uncontrollably. Without having ever faced this situation
in a simulation, the crew undocked from the Agena. However, the problem was mannedspacecraft, descending in height ever faster, at a rate of one revolution per second. The only way
to stop the movement of the adapter module was separated, which mean that Armstrong and
Scott had to cut...
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