Homosexual Adoption Pro's

Páginas: 3 (590 palabras) Publicado: 18 de junio de 2012
* Many gay couples - certainly those offering themselves as adoptive parents - form relationships that are more stable than many heterosexual marriages, thus giving adopted children a secureemotional home.
* In an era when many children are raised by single parents - with proven disadvantages such as lower educational achievements and poor behaviour - gay couples offer adopted children twofull-time parents.
* Lesbian couples are permitted to have children through artificial insemination. The record is that such couples provide loving homes and raise well-balanced children.
*Barring gay men and lesbians from becoming 'parents' is discrimination, based on sexual orientation, which would not be acceptable in other contexts such as employment.
* There is a shortage ofadoptive parents. The 'family', whether gay or straight, is better than the foster-care system.
* * La ley de adopción vigente no exige ser heterosexual para adoptar. Actualmente, muchas parejashomosexuales crían a sus hijos, adoptados -por uno de sus integrantes- o concebidos a través de métodos de fertilización asistida.

To date, all research in the area of same sex adoption has come to thesame conclusion:

1. The children of LGBT parents grow up as successfully as heterosexual parents. In fact, not a single study has found that children of gay or lesbian couples to be disadvantagedbecause of their parent’s sexual orientation. 

2. There is no evidence to suggest that gay or lesbian couples are unfit to be parents.

3. Home environments with LGBT couples are as likely tosuccessfully support a child’s development as those with heterosexual parents.

4. Good parenting is not influenced by sexual orientation. Rather, it is influenced most profoundly by a parent’s abilityto create a loving and nurturing home – an ability that does not depend on whether a parent is gay or straight.

5. There is no evidence to suggest that the child of a gay or lesbian couple is less...
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  • Adoption
  • Maikel el Pro's
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  • La homosexualidad

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