Impacto económico de los apatridas

Páginas: 2 (297 palabras) Publicado: 29 de marzo de 2011
Economic Impact of Statelessness
The economy is one of the pillars of State’s stability along with political system, national interests and a national identity.
In the world there are 15million of stateless people, in the case of former Yugoslavia most of these stateless is people that was not able to prove their citizenship. These stateless people have significant impacton the economy, first of all, because inevitably they consume resources and also, they might generate profits.
Another example, is the amount of money designated to stateless people byNGO’s, for instance, in 2008 Refugees International, spent around $208 million trying to help stateless people to obtain a legal status. As we have seen there is a significant amount of moneydesignated to help stateless people, certainly this money commonly is donated, but even when the money come from an individual, these money belonged at some point to a State.
Most of thedeveloped countries are able to manage the stateless people, but for instance, the UHNCR has a limited budget and although there are a significant number of international mechanisms to provideaid for stateless people, the truth is that the economic resources designated to help stateless people are not enough; it is logical that States use this funds in their own internal issuesrather than in foreigners, but when a State already hosts a stateless might not be able to provide the medical and juridical aid necessary to these stateless, and there is no treaty orconvention that force them to comply them.

Helpful facts and figures International Refugees, International Refugees official website, retrieved from:
The world’s 15 million stateless people need help, UNHCR official website, retrieved from:
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