Importance of foreing languages

Páginas: 3 (518 palabras) Publicado: 5 de diciembre de 2010
Foreign Language Instruction and Academic Success
Research has also demonstrated that these cognitive advantages translate to academic success. Students who take foreign language classes in highschool attain significantly higher grade point averages and perform better in college English courses, according to the previously cited article by Jarold Weatherford. Studies published in the 1987article, "Foreign Language Study and SAT-Verbal Scores" in Modern Language Journal, also suggests that foreign language instruction is associated with better performance on standardized tests such as theScholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). Most of these academic improvements lie in the range of verbal accomplishment, but correlations in these studies have been shown to be strong in mathematics as well.Social Advantages of Foreign Language Education
Beyond these cognitive and academic benefits of learning a second language, an understanding of another language often indicates an understanding ofanother culture and can offer everyday social advantages. In a world where innovations like the Internet have brought the furthest ends of the earth into close contact and where people find themselvesmoving across the globe due to myriad motivations, speaking a second language is useful in situations other than just travel.

Because an increasing number of jobs involve foreign trade, bilingualability allows people in business to interact with more people and adapt to clients and potential partners with varied cultural backgrounds, according to the National Council of State Supervisors forLanguages, an organization of state education officials who advocate for language education policy.

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