Importance of the english language in the vocational training
Considered " lingua Franc " of nowadays
It is the language in which there arerealized the economic, political, technological compromises, cultural academicians etc.
Mexico, America
The globalization has done that the language positions in a very important way.Aptitude
Nowadays Skill
His posecion already cannot treat as a luxury if not that it is a need.
The compromises in the labor field
The % of thepopulation who uses the English language continues growing day after day it is the language in which the international business are carried out.
You have to perform conciente the importance of thelanguage.
Have time him, dedication and witness
In that context I am going to use the Englishman?
Internet, video, games, newpapers beacles hotels, bars, restaurants, songs.
Generalization that we make the homo sapiens:
I believe that the Englishman does not give himself me, I do not like it.
Providing that I have studied Englishman I never end.
I cannot.
Ido not have time.
Your beliefs ... they are thoughts and
What you think is what you are
The secret
The law of the attraction.
Which is your current occupation?
That is what you gustaria tobe able to change, do differently or improve it?
That so awkward these of achieving it?
3 billions of person...
40 million persons speak it as his first language, this way since it is used atpresent for mas of 1000 million not native speakers.
The consequences of the advance of this tide linguistics are inconmesurables. inside few generations and for the first time in the history of "homo sapiens ", most of our species.
The importance of the basic Englishman in the education.
In Donmde?
Language to level of factor: close kingdom and the E.U.
Official: australia, bearded,...
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