
Páginas: 4 (876 palabras) Publicado: 19 de noviembre de 2014
Agra is an Indian city located beside the river yamuna
It was the capital of the Mongol Empire between 1556 and 1658
The city was founded by Sikandar Lodi, Sultan of Delhi , who madeit his capital.
Actually the city receives millions of visitors each year to visit the Taj Mahal and other beautiful places.
Taj Mahal is a complex of buildingsbuilt by Emperor Shah Jahan in honor of his favorite wife known as Mumtaz Mahal.
The Taj Mahal is considered the finest example of Mughal architecture, a style that combines elements of Islamic, persianand even turkish architecture.
Actually it is an important tourist spot. In 1983 , it was recognized by UNESCO as World Heritage.
Red Fort ; This is the most important fort in India. The GreatMughals of the Mughal Empire , Babur , Humayun , Akbar , etc lived and ruled from there. It was visited by foreign ambassadors , travelers who participated in the history of India.
Ram Bagh
The Ram Baghis the oldest Mughal Garden in India, originally built by the Mughal emperor Babur . Babur was temporarily buried there.

The festival of lights is like the independence ofIndia , where they celebrate the victory against an evil government. this day, october 15 they illuminate the city with candles and give gifts to their family and friends
people transportedin cars like us. for visitors there are companies that rent cars and buses

Carnaval de Venecia[
Sin duda alguna, la fiesta más popular de Venecia es el carnaval. Oficialmente se declarócomo festividad suprema durante elsiglo XIII. Sin embargo, fue en el siglo XVIII cuando el carnaval veneciano alcanzó su máximo esplendor. A él acudían viajeros y aristócratas de toda Europa, en buscade diversión y placer. Con la decadencia de Venecia como poder mercante y militar, el carnaval palideció hasta casi desaparecer. Se recuperó algo de su festividad hacia finales del siglo XX, cuando...
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