Inglés, presente simle

Páginas: 3 (740 palabras) Publicado: 14 de enero de 2012
Palabras que pidió la profesora para aprenderse:
Trust: confiar
Rely: Confiar ( Rely on me es confiar en mi)
Reliable- Trustworthy ( someone you can trust)
Gorgeous: Cute, pretty
Subject pronouns: no pueden funcionar de otra manera que no sea como sujeto.

Presente continuo (todo lo que puede suceder en el momento)
Subjet+ Be+ (verbo +ing) + complemento
I am teachingenglish
You are listening to me
Peter is trying to understand
Question words:
What: Que
Who: Quien
Where: donde
How: cuanto
When: cuando

¿ De qué te estas riendo?- What are you laughingat?
¿ De donde vienes?- Where are you coming from?
¿ A donde vas? – where are you going to?

Who is Manuel living with?- Con quién esta vivinedo Manuel?

Question words
How Much – Singular
HowMany- Plural.
There is/ There are ( verbo haber “hay”)
There is: singular
There are: plural.

There is one desk in this room
There are lots of chairs here
There are three boys
There are 20girls
There is one teacher.

So far so good?- ¿ hasta aquí vamos bien? (Lo anoté por anotar X’D)

There is one kilo of rice in the cupboard
a) How many kilos of rice are there in the cupboardb) How much of rice is there in the cupboard?

There are two bottles of wine in the fridge
a) How many bottles of wine are there in the fridge?
b) How much wine is there in the fridge?Mixed exercises

1) I am here with Peter
Q) who are you there with?

2) Peter is 19 years old
Q) how old is Peter?

3) There are three boxes of chocolate on the shelf
Q) how manyboxes of chocolate are there on the shelf?

4) My sister is looking for the keys
Q) what is your sister looking for?

Present simple

Todas las acciones rutinarias que se realizan en formageneral, por ejemplo “ My father has a house near the beach”-“ My sister goes to the gym twice a week”.

I Jump on the bed every day
You Listen to the music in your room
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