
Páginas: 4 (780 palabras) Publicado: 5 de junio de 2012
1- Read arefully: Rigoberta Menchú.
Rigobrta Menhú is a quece indian. She was born in the mountain villaje ofchimel, Guatemala in 1959. Her family was very por.
At the age of eight she beganworking as a farm worker. Beause of her father s politi s, the entire Menchu family was persecuted. Rigoberta s mother and youngest brother were kidnapped by soldiers and brutally tortured and killed.The guatemalan military forces are bleamed for more tan 50 000 deaths, mostly indians, during the 1980s.
In 1981, after her her mother s death, Rigoberta fled to mexio. The venezuelan writer, elizabetburgas-deloray helped her write er story Rigoberta Menchú, an indian woman in Guatemala, which was published in 1983. The book ha been translated into 11 languages and she won internationalrecognition. Now she lives in one of México city s poorest neighboroods with other gutemalan refugees.
She received the nobel peace prize in 1992 for her social justice work and ethnoculturalreconciliation. She wiill use the Money to set up a human right foundation.
2.- Match columns A and B:
a) Rigoberta Menchú was bord __ persecuted.
b) Her family was __ for more than 20 years.
c) Guatemalahad a brutal repression __ about her terrible reality.
d) Rigoberta wrote a book ___ to recognize her efforts.
e) She received the nbelpeace prize ___ in 1959
3.- say right or wrong. R W
a) RigobertaMenchú had suffered before she bécame an adult X ___
b) Her feather dled in an accident. __ __
c) Her mother was...
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