
Páginas: 3 (540 palabras) Publicado: 28 de noviembre de 2013

dear paul.
I am writing from the wonderfull " rio de janeiro in brazil". I am having a great time. I am trying to visit this city as much as possible. I am staying at the copacabanahotel that is almost in front of the beach. I am taking some samba lesson, my teacher is very nice although the language is a little problem. my portuguese is not very good but the food here isdelicious, I am taking a lot of picture to bring back home. I usually go swimming in the morning and in the afternoon. I am doing a little surfing, tonight, after my samba lesson, I am going to cristo`sbar to taste the famous " piña colada". I am going out with some friends I met here. I am with them right now and they are watching TV. this is probably our only free time. I am coming back in 2 weeks,probably on saturday. well, I have to go, since we are dancing tonight, I have to get ready for the party. I am keeping in touch and send all my friends my regards. write you soon. laura.
answerthese questions.
1. where are you writing from? rio de janeiro.
2. how are you spending your vacation?
3. who are yu speding your vacation with?
4. where are you staying?
5. are you taking anyclasses?
6. are you enjoying your trip?
7.wath places are you visiting?
8. are yiu taking any pictures?
9. when are you coming back?
10. are you eating well?
2. choose four sentences in presentprogressive and then write these in the interrogative affirmative and negative.
3. do a list with words do you do not unederstand.

querida paul .
Estoy escribiendo desde el maravilloso "rio de janeiro en brasil" . Estoy teniendo un buen momento . Estoy tratando de visitar esta ciudad tanto como sea posible . Me alojé en el Hotel Copacabana que es casi en frente de la playa. Estoytomando alguna lección de samba , mi maestro es muy bonita, aunque el idioma es un problema. mi portugués no es muy bueno , pero la comida es deliciosa , me estoy tomando un montón de imágenes para...
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