
Páginas: 8 (1782 palabras) Publicado: 13 de junio de 2012

JUNE 27th - 2012

Economy of the 60...................................................................................................4
Policy of the 60........................................................................................................5
Fashion of the 60......................................................................................................6Cultural Aspect.........................................................................................................7
Social Aspect............................................................................................................8
Annex.......................................................................................................................11 a 13


What’s a decade? A decade is a period of ten years. Then, ten decades form a century. The term should be limited to expressions that referred to a century. For example, "thesecond decade of last century”.

The decade of the Sixties is a ten-year period, characterized by various social movements, cultural and economic movements

Icons of this period are the hippies, with their lifestyles and their convictions, who characterized by love and peace over war, (over all, the Vietnam War, where many innocent people die), to be against who commit injusticeand corruption, in a few words, to be against to a society that only thought about money and the capitalist. In this period, people began to attach importance to material on the human and the human race. Also In this period, there was a change of mentality that is reflected in several areas such as the use of the anticonceptive pills that brought a number of consequences such as low birth rate, and the womanbegan to perform as a person and in different areas.

Finally, this is one of the decade of the twentieth century and which produced a series of changes in the world and brought thousands of consequences positive and negative. But, in a good way, in this decade was attempted rescue of some other way a little essence of being human.

ECONOMY OF THE 60The economy  of the sixties decade was marked by the consequences of World War II, which were favorable only to the United States ,  since the war helped this country to strengthen and reinforce its industrial economy. The other countries, such as Japan, Western Europe and Eastern were that resurge economically, socially and politically. In this context, the U.S. imposed capitalism and in thesixties went on to become a World Power.

           Simultaneous with this, there were great advances and discoveries in science, especially chemistry, physics and biology. This led to a transformation of computing and telecommunications to unthinkable levels.

Another factor that helped the world economy was the demographic explosion that took place between the 60 to 90, passing of3000 million, up more than 5000 million of people, which helped increase the economy and politics of international work.

In the 1960s, Chile had a strong economic growth thanks to the exportation increment of minerals like copper; besides, this was one of the largest economic inflation in our country history. The presidents of the decade like Eduardo Frei Montalva, tried to lower...
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