
Páginas: 3 (513 palabras) Publicado: 19 de junio de 2012
I | am | a student. |
He | is | a teacher. |
She | is | a journalist. |
It | is | a book. |
We | are | mechanics. |
You | are | pilots. |
They | are | policemen. |
To be - PositiveSentences & ContractionsFull Forms of the verb to be |

Contracted forms of the verb to be |

I | am | a student. |
He | is | a teacher. |
She | is | a journalist. |
It | is | a book. |We | are | mechanics. |
You | are | pilots. |
They | are | policemen. |

Chose the correct form of the verb to be - am/is/are.
Principio delformulario
1. It__________cold today.
2. I__________at home now.
3. They__________Korean.
4. There__________a pen on the desk.
5. My name__________Nikita.
6. We__________fromUkraine.
7. That__________right.
8. I__________OK, thanks.
9. Clara and Steve__________married.
10. She__________ an English teacher.

Click on the words in the correct order to makepositive sentences with the verb to be.
1.- am twenty-five years I old.
2.- are from Venezuela. We
3 I'm Anton is name student. My a and
4 book. my This is
5 day today. a It's nice
6 HerPaul. is brother's name
7 is engineer. John an
8 is Johansson. husband's name My
9 There are twelve in class. students my
10 My at the new the of letter. top address is

To be - negativeforms and contractions
Full negative forms of the verb to be |

I | am not | a singer. |
He | is not | a receptionist. |
She | is not | a nurse. |
It | is not | my book. |
We | are not | notmusicians. |
You | are not | a shop assistant. |
They | are not | taxi drivers. |

Contracted negative forms of the verb to be |
I'm not | a singer. |
He | isn't | a receptionist. |She | isn't | a nurse. |
It | isn't | my book. |
We | aren't | not musicians. |
You | aren't | a shop assistant. |
They | aren't | taxi drivers. |
| | |
Complete the gaps with the...
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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas