
Páginas: 5 (1044 palabras) Publicado: 15 de noviembre de 2012
1. From experience I remember most is when I was only 12 when he was in sixth grade my uncle was on the committee of the torch run is made on 12 December to Mexico to visit the Blessed Virgin of Guadalupe, and I asked my parents give me permission to go to meet for first time, they told me that if he understood that stand out and as long as I was told that if it was, after a few weeks came thebig day December 11 is the day that leaves one to go to Mexico after hearing Mass trucks arrived where we were going. Everyone said goodbye to his parents after all the women climbed into a car and other men in after all the cars we got to the committee told us then gave us directions sit and discuss rules and respect. After each driver got on his leading together. On the way I started listening tomusic, every few minutes the car stopped to like each other that if we could go down because I buy and if I get off but before I ran out to buy the bathroom after me and I went to buy some cookies and a drink other than that the committee gave us half an hour two we could eat and as I gather with my uncle to eat together after you finish eating another look and I ran to the bathroom that comeswith my uncle gave us indications that we sublimes the cars but as we were told we could sit me if I sat down to keep me cansara.
2. After we walked a long way to come to Mexico and then found the car park where we got off and started walking to bequeath to the church where the Virgin of Guadalupe that after walking a few blocks in the city of Mexico, we the chapel was surprised that the front waslike a carnival type dance and as the truth if I liked every one of his performances of each of them and after that we wing church and I realized how big and beautiful that is beautiful inside then pray again impressed me and we went back mind walking to the hill and when we got up till I could see almost the entire city of Mexico and I realized how beautiful it beautiful from the top then we hadto go back down to anything we buy as souvenirs and the like after the car back to us again to give an indication of how he had to grab the torch to avoid burning later as I was my first year I mediated the torch to start running and 5 minutes I got in the car for another run down and so on till we came to our village and were greeted with snacks such as gelatin etc atoll drink enchiladas. Afterthe mass was coming so ...

1:De la vivencia que yo mas me acuerdo es cuando tan sólo tenia 12 años cuando cursaba sexto año de primaria mi tío formaba parte del comité de la antorcha que se realiza corriendo el 12 de diciembre hacia México para visitar a la santísima Virgen de Guadalupe , y yo le pedí a mis padres que me dieran permiso para ir a conocer por primera ves, ellos me dijeron quesi comprendía aguantar que fuera y yo con tal de que fuera les dije que si que fuera, después de algunas semanas se llego el gran día el 11 de diciembre que es el día en que sale uno para irse a México después de escuchar la santa misa llegaron los carros en los que nos íbamos a ir .Cada quien se despidió de sus padres después todas las mujeres se subieron en un carro y los hombres en otrodespués de que todos nos subimos a los carros los del comité nos dijeron que nos sentáramos posteriormente nos dieron indicaciones y reglas que discutimos y respetamos. Después cada chofer se subió a su unida que condujeron .En el camino yo empecé a escuchar música, cada determinado tiempo los carros se pararon para que si gustábamos nos podíamos bajar a comprar y pues yo si me baje pero antes quefuera a comprar fui corriendo al baño después ya me fui a comprar unas galletas y un refresco aparte de eso los del comité nos dieron media hora par que pudiéramos comer y pues yo me junte con mi tío para comer juntos después que termine de comer otra ves fui corriendo al baño ya que llegue con mi tío nos dieron indicaciones de que nos subiéramos al los carros pero como nos dijeron que nos...
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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas