
Páginas: 2 (271 palabras) Publicado: 23 de octubre de 2010
The physical and psychological abuse in children


Children are the main victims of physical or mental abuse at home. In children, the effect of violence isdevastating. Accumulating anxiety disorders become depressed people with a significant increase in aggressive behavior. In adulthood, these children are more likely to havepsychiatric disorders and suicidal behaviors and then take a brief analysis of this problem and possible solutions. Remember that what goes around comes around.

The physical andpsychological abuse in children

As the abuse occurs

• Failure to express checkout, neglect and / or neglect.
• Physical abuse is any form of corporal punishment and alsoincludes the closure or intentional deprivation of care or food. The sexual abuse of compelling or persuading a child to participate in adult sexual activity, against which it can notgive informed consent.
• Emotional abuse, which encompasses all the others, but that can be exercised independently of the others. For example, terrifying threats, insults,devaluations and / or absence of affectionate expressions.

• Finally, the worst abuse that can be given to developing a human being not yet born, is abortion. Is killed under theprotection of the law (in the U.S. and other countries that have legalized abortion) innocent creatures in the womb of their mothers, through cruel methods, painful and inhumane thatthe law does not allow to be used for kill animals.

Helping victims of abuse

The best way to help stop abuse of the child is:
• Identifying cases of abuse.
• Performinginterventions in situations identified through the cabinet or sensitive and trained teachers.
• Differentiating and / or report incidents of abuse to the relevant agencies.
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