
Páginas: 3 (574 palabras) Publicado: 28 de junio de 2012
Christmas Eve

What did you eat?
I ate tamales, turkey, buñuelos, apple salad, and mashed potato.

What food and drinks did you have?
I had Mexican punch, tequila, tamales, turkey, buñuelos,apple salad, mashed potato and fruit cake.

Where were you?
I was at home.
I was in Puerto Vallarta
I was in the USA.

What did you do?
I cooked all day long
I went shopping.or
I wrapped Christmas presents.

What time did you have dinner?
I had dinner at 11:00 pm

What was the best thing about it?
The best thing was when I opened my Christmas presents.....................?

Last birthday
When is your birthday?
My birthday is on March

Where did you celebrate your last birthday?
I celebrated it at home.
I celebrated it in a bar
I celebratedit at school

Who were you with?
I was with my family and some friends.
I was with my boyfriend/girlfriend.

Did you have a party? If so where was it?
No, I didn’t.

Yes, I did. It wasat home.
Yes, I did. It was in a bar.
Yes, I did. It was in my friend’s house.

Did you have different food and drinks?
Yes, I did. I had whisky, soda, and beer, and I had cake, potatochips, chicken with mole, rice, and carnitas.

No, I didn´t.

What did you do?
I woke up late, listened to my favorite music, checked my e-mail, called my friends, watched TV, and bought newclothes.

What other activities did you do?
I ate a lot.

What was the best thing about it?
The best thing was when my family and friends sang “Happy Birthday”.
The best thing was when myex-boyfriend called me.
The best thing was when my family and friends hugged me.


Last weekend
What time did you wake up last weekend?
I woke up at 8:00 am.
What didyou do last weekend?
I went to my English class, I went to a party, I spent time with my family, and I went shopping.

What did you do on Saturday?
I went to my English class, I spent time with...
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