Irregular Verbs Song, Stick Stuck Stuck (Lyrics)

Páginas: 2 (454 palabras) Publicado: 13 de julio de 2012
Stick Stuck Stuck | |
|The microphone I |It's not enough to |
|| |
|TAKE (took, TAKen). You SHAKE (shook,SHAken). |DREAM (dreamt, DREAMT); youve got to SPEND (spent, SPENT) |
|WAKE (woke, WOken) to the STYLE Im creAting.|TIME on your GOALS. Please LEND (lent, LENT) me your |
|THINK (thought, THOUGHT). SEEK (sought, SOUGHT). |EAR. Come NEAR and IllLAY (laid, LAID) |
|LISten to the LESson that I TEACH (taught, TAUGHT). |DOWN this new SOUND that I MAKE (made, MADE).|
| |I HOPE you dont SAY that you THINK its JUNK. ||Dont SLEEP (slept, SLEPT). I CREEP (crept, CREPT). |I HOPE you dont THINK that I STINK (stank, STUNK). |
|I SNEAK (snuck, SNUCK UP). YouLEAP (leapt, LEAPT). |If youre THIRSty for ENGlish, come DRINK (drank, DRUNK). |
|I KEEP (kept, KEPT) HAVing FUN.|because I SINK (sank, SUNK) ALL compeTItion when they |
|Im never BEAT (beat, BEAten); I WIN (won, WON). |HEAR (heard,HEARD) that I GIVE (gave, GIVen) |
|DO (did, DONE). BeGIN (began, beGUN). |encouragement when I SPIT (spat, SPAT)....
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  • Irregular Verbs
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  • Irregular Verbs
  • Irregular Verbs
  • Irregular Verbs

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