It works

Páginas: 13 (3067 palabras) Publicado: 18 de junio de 2010
It Works
A Clear, Definite Common-Sense Plan of Accomplishment

R.H. Jarrett
with Art Stanley

R. H. Jarrett with Art Stanley

A concise, definite, resultful plan with rules, explanations and suggestions for bettering your condition in life.

Copyright © 2008 Red Pepper Publishing. All rightsreserved worldwide.

This little gem was written back in 1926. Some of the words and the way they are presented might be a little outdated, but the simple ideas are tried, tested, and true. Apply them faithfully and you will have everything you sincerely want. That’s a bold promise. But I know these principles work if you work them. Master these basics and you can master life. Some time backwhen this work was first produced, the author is said to have sent a copy of the manuscript to a friend, who returned it with the simple notation, “it works”. This assessment, the result of personal experience of the author’s friend became the title of the booklet.

If you KNOW what you WANT you can HAVE IT What is the Real Secret of Obtaining Desirable Possessions? ARE some people born under alucky star or other charm which enables them to have all that which seems so desirable, and if not, what is the cause of the difference in conditions under which men live? Many years ago, feeling that there must be a logical answer to this question, I decided to find out, if possible, what it was. I found the answer to my own satisfaction, and for years, have given the information to others whohave used it

successfully. From a scientific, psychological or theological viewpoint, some of the following statements may be interpreted as incorrect, but nevertheless, the plan has brought the results desired to those who have followed the simple instructions, and it is my sincere belief that I am now presenting it in a way which will bring happiness and possessions to many more. “If wisheswere horses, beggars would ride,” is the attitude taken by the average man and woman in regard to possessions. They are not aware of a power so near that it is overlooked; so simple in operation that it is difficult to conceive; and so sure in results that it is not made use of consciously, or recognized as the cause of failure or success. “Gee, I wish that were mine,” is the outburst of Jimmy, theoffice boy, as a new red roadster goes by; and Florence, the telephone operator, expresses the same thought regarding a ring in the jeweller’s window; while poor old Jones, the bookkeeper, during the Sunday stroll, replies to his wife, “Yes, dear, it would be nice to have a home like that, but it is out of the question. We will have to continue to rent.” Landem, the salesman, protests that hedoes all the work, gets the short end of the money and will some day quit his job and find a real one, and President Bondum, in his private sanctorum, voices a bitter tirade against the annual attack of hay-fever. At home it is much the same. Last evening, father declared that daughter Mabel was headed straight for disaster, and today, mother’s allowance problem and other trying affairs fade intoinsignificance as she exclaims, “This is the last straw. Robert’s school teacher wants to see me this afternoon. His reports are terrible, I know, but I’m late for Bridge now. She’ll have to wait until tomorrow.” So goes the endless stream of expressions like these from millions of people in all classes who give no thought to what they really want, and who are getting all they are entitled to orexpect. If you are one of these millions of thoughtless talkers or wishers and would like a decided change from your present condition, you can have it, but first of all you must know what you want and this is no easy task. When you can train your objective mind (the mind you use every day) to decide definitely upon the things or conditions you desire, you will have taken your first big step in...
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