
Páginas: 3 (587 palabras) Publicado: 20 de octubre de 2013


We went to the open ceremony of the conference.
On Monday in the morning. We ate to lunch in the half a day. We talked a course with Jaworski that 4:00o’clock. We went to the restaurant and ate food regional. We returned to the hotel and slept on Monday evening.


In the morning at 9:00 o´clock, we went to the plenary
In the morning at10:10 am, we all ate breakfast
From 12:30 to 13:30, we had lunch in the room Palaver. We had the opportunity to met and network with the many researchers then we were took physic lesson.
At 4:15, wewere read a book of physic.
In the afternoon, we went to dinner. Then we went return the hotel for sleep.


We woke up last on Wednesday and ate to lunch in the half day. We took showerand got dressed with cloths of the region. We went to visit the museum Gallen- Kallela Taruaspaa and ate food to restaurant in the afternoon. We went to visit the shopping mall for met people. We cameout to return the hotel for sleep in the evening.


In the afternoon we walked in the Vaski, We visited the catedral de helsinski then walked in the seurosami and finally in the eveningwe ate dinner in the kiosma and visited the Olympic Stadium the helaski.

Diagnóstico del problema: Es la determinación del área problema; es decir, detectar la desviación entre lo que se habíaplaneado y lo realizado; es el punto de partida y de él dependen los pasos siguientes.
Investigación u obtención de información: Es la recopilación de toda la información necesaria para la adecuadatoma de decisión; sin dicha información, el área de riesgo aumenta, porque la probabilidad de equivocarnos es mayor debido al desconocimiento de los elementos esenciales.
Desarrollo de alternativas:La solución de problemas puede lograrse por varios caminos; o alternativas de solución; algunos autores consideran que este paso del proceso es la etapa de formulación de hipótesis; porque una...
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