JungLa De La Teoria Administrativa

Páginas: 3 (586 palabras) Publicado: 2 de abril de 2012

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• Resalte en amarillo los errores de citas textuales yreferencias que puedan encontrarse en los siguientes párrafos u oraciones y explique su corrección (NO TIENE QUE RE-ESCRIBIR EL PÁRRAFO):

1. Dykens and Gerrard (1986 , p.288) concluded that thepsychological profile of bulimics and repeat dieters is similar: “It appears that both repeat dieters and bulimics can be characterized as having low self-esteem and external locus control. This profilesupports suggestions from case studies that women with eating disorders suffer from feelings of ineffectiveness and lack of control over decisions.”
2. These investigators suggested that “althoughstate and trait anxiety appear to have a similar effect on rumor transmission, it cannot be concluded that this effect was produced by similar social processes” (Walker & Beckerle, 1987, p.358).
3. Duerf(1990) suggested that “the “subliminal guilty effect” happens only when semi-nude images are subtly inscribed on the labels of whiskey bottles of light drinkers (p.68)”. Duerf concluded thefollowing:
Some light drinkers have a negative oral fixation which inhibits their pursuit of oral pleasure. One ounce of alcohol from the forbidden bottle apparently releases a flood of libido associated withthe mouth and the genitals. Oral guilt enters through the front door and sexual guilt sneaks in the back like an uninvited [italics added] guest. (page 10)
4. The concept of chunking was introducedby Miller ( Miller, 1956)
5. Other authors focus on the role of affect (Zajonc, American Psychologist, 1984).
6. Sternberg (1966) was the first to report the effect of target set size on...
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