Kansas usa
Nickname(s): The Sunflower State (official);
The Wheat State
Motto(s): Ad astra per aspera
Official language(s) English
Capital Topeka
Abbreviations KS US-KS
Kansas is a U.S. state located in the Midwestern United States. It is named after the Kansas River which flows through it, which in turn was named after the Kansa tribe, which inhabited the area. The tribe's name(natively kką:ze) is often said to mean "people of the wind" or "people of the south wind," although this was probably not the term's original meaning.
For thousands of years what is now Kansas was home to numerous and diverse Native American tribes. Tribes in the Eastern part of the state generally lived in villages along the river valleys. Tribes in the Western part of the state weresemi-nomadic and hunted large herds of bison. Kansas was first settled by European Americans in the 1830s, After the Civil War; the population of Kansas grew rapidly, when waves of immigrants turned the prairie into productive farmland. Today, Kansas is one of the most productive agricultural states, producing high yields of wheat, sorghum and sunflowers.
Kansas was inhabited by NativeAmericans. The first European to set foot in present-day Kansas was Francisco Vásquez de Coronado, who explored the area in 1541.
From 1812 to 1821, Kansas was part of the Missouri Territory.
In 1827, Fort Leavenworth became the first permanent settlement of white Americans in the future state.
Kansas was admitted to the United States as a slave-free state on January 29, 1861, making it the 34thstate to enter the Union.
After the Civil War, many veterans constructed homesteads in Kansas. Many African Americans also looked to Kansas as the land of "John Brown", and led by men like Benjamin "Pap" Singleton began establishing black colonies in the state. Dodge City was another wild cowboy town, and both Bat Masterson and Wyatt Earp worked as lawmen in the town. In one year alone, 8million head of cattle from Texas boarded trains in Dodge City bound for the East, earning Dodge the nickname "Queen of the Cowtowns."
In part as a response to the violence perpetrated by cowboys, on February 19, 1881 Kansas became the first U.S. state to adopt a Constitutional amendment prohibiting all alcoholic beverages.
It is a popular belief that Kansas is the flattest state in thenation, reinforced by a well-known 2003 study stating that Kansas was indeed "flatter than a pancake".
Spring River, Kansas
The Kansas River (locally known as the Kaw), formed by the junction of the Smoky Hill and Republican rivers at appropriately-named Junction City, joins the Missouri at Kansas City, Spring River located between Riverton (Fuglies) Kansas and Baxter Springs KansasEstado de Kansas
Apodo (s): El Estado de girasol (oficial);
El Estado de trigo
Lema (s): per aspera ad astra “Hacia las estrellas, a través de las dificultades’
El idioma oficial (s) Inglés [1]
Topeka Capital
Abreviaturas Unidos KS-KS
Kansas es un estado de EE.UU., ubicada en el medio oeste de Estados Unidos. Es el nombre del río Kansas que fluye a través de él, que a su vez recibió elnombre de la tribu Kansa, que habitaban en la zona. El nombre de la tribu (nativa KKA: ze) a menudo se dice que significa "pueblo del viento" o "gente del viento del sur", aunque esto probablemente no fue significado original del término.
Durante miles de años lo que hoy es Kansas fue el hogar de numerosas y diversas tribus nativas americanas. Tribus en la parte oriental del estado general, vivíanen aldeas a lo largo de los valles fluviales. Tribus en la parte occidental del estado fueron semi-nómadas y cazaban grandes manadas de bisontes. Kansas fue colonizada por los europeo-americanos en la década de 1830, después de la Guerra Civil, la población de Kansas creció rápidamente, cuando las olas de inmigrantes se volvió la pradera en tierras agrícolas productivas. Hoy en día, Kansas es...
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