La Computacion

Páginas: 2 (453 palabras) Publicado: 9 de febrero de 2016
The computer science or computer science are those that cover the theoretical foundations of information and computation and their application in systems computacionales.1 2 3 body of knowledge ofcomputer science is often described as the systematic study algorithmic processes that describe and transform information: their theory, analysis, design, efficiency, implementation and aplicación.4 Issystematic study of the feasibility, structure, expression and mechanization of methodical procedures (or algorithms) that underlie the acquisition, representation, processing, storage, communicationand access to information if the information is encoded as bits in a computer's memory or specified in a structure of genes and proteins in a cell biológica.5 There are several fields or disciplineswithin the sciences computer or computer science; Some highlight the specific results of the computation (such as computer graphics), while others (such as computational complexity theory) relate toproperties of the algorithms used to perform computation and others focus on the issues that require the implementation of computer systems. For example, studies of the theory of programming languages​​describe a computer, while the computer programming applies specific programming languages ​​to develop a solution to a specific computational problem. A computer scientist or computólogo specializesin theory of computation and the design and implementation of computer systems.

Las ciencias de la computación o ciencias computacionales son aquellas que abarcan las bases teóricas de lainformación y la computación, así como su aplicación en sistemas computacionales.1 2 3 El cuerpo de conocimiento de las ciencias de la computación es frecuentemente descrito como el estudio sistemático de losprocesos algorítmicos que describen y transforman información: su teoría, análisis, diseño, eficiencia, implementación y aplicación.4 Es el estudio sistemático de la factibilidad, estructura,...
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