La Furia

Páginas: 5 (1070 palabras) Publicado: 26 de febrero de 2013
Three men in a boat

I Chapter: We Decide to go on holiday
In this Chapter George, Williams Samuel Harris, Myself and Montomerency. They were in the house and All were seated speaking, relaxed counting the dreams that they where and chatting about they were feeling poor healt when to one it was happened to them to leave to walk in boat.

II Chapter: We Start to make planes
We discussedthe plan and decided to leave on Saturday, also think about where to spend nights were and decided we would sleep in the store as long as it would not rain. The dog seemed satisfied, was a bit aggressive, did not like cats.

III Chapter: We Decide what to take
The next afternoon we discussed about the food we had to take. George said was need eggs, hot meat, bread, butter, fruit, pastries,chocolate, water, and also suggested that we could drink whiskey, and decided to make a list of what each would like.

IV Chapter: We pack
The next day we bought all those things, we bring them home, got into the baskets, luggage pack it myself, but let me boots off and George and Harris laughed at me, and I had to put them back in, which it was not easy, the dog ate an orange, revolutionizedeverything, but in the end we managed to organize the food in baskets and leave everything in between.
They decided to go to bed and get up at six-thirty.

V Chapter: We Start our Holiday
In This chapter the nana woke up to and it said to him that they were the 10:00 jump of the bed woke up to which it said that the backward to wake up to 6:00 and soon the annoying one so that the other companioncontinued sleeping they woke up it and but late they were Ready.

VI Chapter: On The River
In This chapter They They put All the Things in the Boat and started off, treated that there were not accidents, but there one... That it was when was in the boat I beat to him next to river, and Harris fell.When itself fieron to Hampton Court Place, Harris I ask if I were some you see in a labyrinth ofthere, and me told a history. That it was there and all they started it to follow to leave and what step is the one that the tapeworm the map backward and all were bothered with being so idiot and to put the map backward.

VII Chapter: Harrisgets Angry
In This chapter they arrived and they wanted to go out to a bar or something but they said that it did not have close , George went away tosleep to a hotel and they remained encamping outside, suddenly was sleeping when it began to rain the carp began to fall Harris was put angered and the treatment to fix tried to fix by a side and I by the other, alfinal they put it but or less and they were put to sleep Myself suddenly began to feel something in the head it awoke and he was George.

VIII Chapter: George Starts to work
In This Ichapter All decided that George tapeworm that to begin to work. It began to work without quarrel. George by whereas it works begins to tell to a history on a boat. He to them I take to Penton Hook and there decided where To sleep.

IX Chapter: Our First Night on the Boat
In This I chapter They began all to work less Harris, tried to put the layer for the boat with irons and cost much, Harris worknothing, then all did not scolded. George Soon Began to say another history and very amused that him step the same thing to Harris.

X Chapter: Our First Morning
In This chapter awoke early and they could not sleep but, less Harris. George him told a history that him step just like today... Soon they decided in waking up to Harris, Soon was wanted to throw to the water but seemed then frostvery one shot...

XI Chapter: Hotels and tinned fruits
In This chapter they went in the boat quiet remembering things and stopped to eat in Monkey Island, Decided to eat cold food, they bought tin food but they did not find the opener one deal with a knife but short other with scissors but I do not stick in the eye and another one with a metal piece and either.... Soon all got angry and went...
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