La Habana Cuba

Páginas: 2 (421 palabras) Publicado: 24 de septiembre de 2012

The city's climate is tropical and the rest of the island.

The city is home to many international cultural events such as the International Ballet Festival of HavanaFilm Festival of Havana Jazz Plaza Festival and The International Guitar Festival Leo Brouwer

Fortaleza de San Carlos de la Cabaña:
Capitolio Nacional
Castillo del Morro:
Cementerio deColón:
La Calle 23 en el Vedado
Calle Obispo:
Coney Island
Iglesia de Reina
Catedral Ortodoxa
Ciudad Deportiva
La Fuente Luminosa:
Plaza Vieja:
Palacio de la Revolución:

The main air terminal in the city is the Jose Marti International Airport, located about 20 km south of the city center.

The city's road network is quite extensive, and has broad avenues, mainstreets and major access roads to the city such as the National Highway, the Carretera Central and Via Blanca. The road network has been under construction and growth since colonial times, is currentlyundergoing a major deterioration, low maintenance product

The commercial port of Havana, located in the bay of the same name, is the nation's largest and one of the most reguardados the planet,which come most of the imported products such as oil, machinery, wheat and other food and the circulating the bulk of domestic exports (sugar, alcohol, snuff, minerals, medicines)

Flight + hotel;Hotel
Category; 4 hundred
* The Saratoga Hotel is located in Merchants Street in Havana.
* Among the Plaza de Armas and Plaza Vieja in Old Havana.
* A 2 km from Chinatown.
* A 27 kmfrom airport
Type of room; Suite - Breakfast and Lunch or Dinner Included
Aeroline; interjet
Departure: 11:25 Hrs 01/oct
Arrival: 15:00 Hrs 01/oct
Total cost; 16,397.75

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