La Marmota

Páginas: 2 (496 palabras) Publicado: 15 de julio de 2012
proposito identificar la importancia de la etica y la moral para la sociedad
busca que significa etica moral sociedad y persona?
¿Por que es importante la etica y la moral para elfuncionamiento de la sociedad?
¿cuales crees que son los compromisos del ser humano dentro de la sociedad?
¿cual es el compromiso cristiano?
¿cuales son los mandamientos de la ley de Dios, dibuje cadauno

in this exposition we will talk about ghost and their caracteristics, the purpose is that people learn more about ghost and create interest about the topic. Alsois so important that the people know about what is a ghost, how the human communicate with their, and what are the types of the this paranormal spectrum.
Later we support our exposition with photosrelated to the topic and presentation with power point because with this aids the persons will understand better.
And finally our gools are first that the people ask for the ghost and second to get apossition about the topic.
The body of this presentation consist in these key points
1. What is a ghost: a ghost is a soul or spirit tahat did not pass into the next dimension when thebody died
2. Where and when the ghost appear: the ghost generally apear in the afternoon and the duration are seconds. There are many ghosts in many places but particulary appear where the peoplework and live
3. Appearance: appear as clothed figures and many ghots look like people. They are transparent or balck shadow and dissapear
4. Communication: some of the reasons for thecommunication from the dead might be to let one know that they ar ok. Maybe they say hello or express that they are not dead
5. Photos and witnesses: though many photos exist that it is claimed showghost, in almost all cases no apparition was seen at the time of exposure. Most ghosts are seen by a single witness, where there are multiple witnesses present, some may see the ghost and others not....
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