
Páginas: 2 (388 palabras) Publicado: 27 de octubre de 2010
Personal Growth

Personal growth is a life project. A long-term plan in which we have to work continuously. A trail of sad relapses but also filled with many positive rewards.

In this pathtowards your personal growth, there are three important elements that will make your journey much easier:
Awareness or understanding

Watch carefully what crosses your mind. Pay attention to what yourconcerns are and what causes it. Listen to your feelings and ask why you feel this or that, what causes you anger or fear.
It is very important to know ourselves. Look at us like we look to someoneelse. Analyze ourselves the same way we analyze a book.
Watch and catch yourself doing things that you know are destructives or having negative thoughts. At this level it is not necessary to make anychange, only observe yourself and see how you react, how you are. When you make a habit, a routine, to observe yourself then the change will occur by itself.

The second way to work on yourpersonal growth is to create good mental and physical habits, for example:

Do not let your mind wander from one idea to another without direction and. Your greatest asset is your brain, do not letloose around like a dog stray. Focus on specific ideas, palpable plans. Take a book, concentrate and read. Rent a good movie or a documentary. Try to keep conversations interesting.

The same goeswith your body, do not let it watching television or lying on the bed. Get up. Walk. Go for a walk and taking air.

The third is to use tools to repair your spirit and your mind, for example:-Relaxation techniques: Close your eyes, breathe deeply through your nose and exhale through the nose. Repeat six times. Then open your eyes. Immediately you'll notice a beautiful calm interior.- Self-programming techniques and affirmations: Below are just some statements that you can write on small cards. Take these cards to where you go, get him out and read it, repeat in your mind or...
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