Language and communication checklist for class teacher

Páginas: 2 (368 palabras) Publicado: 5 de marzo de 2012
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ATTENTION/LISTENING/UNDERSTANDING | One-to one | Small group | In class |
Often appears to‘switch off’ or lose concentration in a teaching context | | | |
Regularly needs instructions simplified and/or repeated | | | |
Doesn’t always follow instructions; watches others | || |

PRAGMATICS | One-to one | Small group | In class |
Does the pupil ask relevant questions/make appropriate responses? | | | |
Does he/she interrupt or change the topic of theconversation to suit their own agenda? | | | |
Does he/she use inappropriate volume, intonation or unusual voice? | | | |
Does he/she laugh at the wrong times/appear cheeky or rude? | | | |Does he/she tend to talk at, rather than to, teacher and peers? | | | |
Does the pupil take turns? | | | |
Does the pupil exhibit limited eye contact? | | | |
PHONOLOGY | One-to one |Small group | In class |
Is the pupil difficult to understand? | | | |
Does he/she substitute sounds in speech? | | | |
Does he/she leave out syllables/sounds within a word? | | | |SEMANTICS | One-to one | Small group | In class |
Does the pupil exhibit word finding difficulties? | | | |
Does he/she give unexpected responses to questions? | | | |
Does he/sheinterpret words literally and exhibit problems in understanding subject- specific language, e.g. in Maths? | | | |
Does he/she need spoken language to be repeated for it to be understood? | || |
Does he/she have difficulty ‘thinking’ of what to say/write? | | | |
Does he/she use circumlocutions, i.e. “the things that you write with” for ‘pen’, with many “you know”? | | | |Does he/she have difficulty predicting what comes next when reading for meaning? | | | |
Can he/she follow instructions without prompting? | | | |

SYNTAX | One-to one | Small group | In...
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