Colombia and the common european framewor of reference for languages
What is the common European framework of reference for languages? it important for Colombian foreign languageeducators? the common European framework useful for education in Colombia?... As student of foreign languages and as a future Colombian educator I think to exercise my educational labor in a Latin-Americancountry; so for these reasons while I more know about the common European framework; I have more questions about it.
The common European Frame of reference to the languages: learning, education,evaluation is a document which has as a purpose, to provide a common base for the production of programs of languages, curricular orientations, examinations, manuals and materials of education in is a basic document for teaching and learning of languages, created by the Council of Europe that has its seat in Strasburg…so The common European framework like many other things is a conceptthat Colombia and the Latin-American countries take from the “developed countries”.
The common European framework is addressed to professionals of education and the national governments; itdescribes the communicative activities of language, by means of knowledge necessaries and the communicative abilities; so in this way the common European framework “imposed” the common levels of reference.In my opinion this is no only arbitrary but incoherent too, in my point of view, it is crazy to think that we can apply the approaches of the Council of Europe in Colombia and to expect to obtain thesame results than Europe. Students from Europe are totally different to students from Colombia; both want and need different things, the context around them is different and the vision of languagefor them is different.
Due to the Europe context their students have access to a plurilingual and pluricultural environment for that reason the competences to develop in the speakers in which...
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