Leccion De Shorthand

Páginas: 9 (2014 palabras) Publicado: 19 de julio de 2011

543 To our Passengers: Many of you, unfortunately, were delayed on your trip home on Friday, July 23. The delay was caused by a failure in our Albany power plant. One of our boilers broke down yesterday, and despite the intensive efforts of our employees, it could not be repaired in time to handle the evening rush hours. Power was not restored until 7 p.m. Our improvement program ismaking substantial, encouraging progress. If all goes well, we should be able to close our existing plant and purchase commercial power on or before January 1. When this conversion is completed, we will be able to eliminate completely all delays resulting from power failure. We apologize for any personal inconvenience you may have been caused on July 23. The Central Railroad

544 Dear Ms. Brown:Recently I discovered a copy of the research report, the future of the Furniture Market, in our library. I understand that this report was prepared by your concern for the United Furniture Manufacturers Association. I think it is excellent, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I would like to have a copy of my own to share with some of my colleagues in the advertising department. May I have one?I would be delighted to pay for it, Ms. Brown, if you will let me know the cost. Sincerely yours,

545 Dear Mr. Blair: We are delighted that you enjoyed reading our special research report, The future of the furniture Market Unfortunately, our initial supply has been completely exhausted. I will however, have a reproduction made from my personal copy, and I will mail it to you before the end ofthe week. Please accept it with my compliments. If we can be of assistance to you in formulating your own advertising, promotion, or distribution plans, please do not hesitate to call on us. Sincerely yours,

546 Dear Mr. Harper: We have received replies from all of the organizations to which you referred us for credit information about your concern, and we are pleased to report that withoutexception they had nothing but praise for your methods of conducting your business. Please accept our sincere congratulations on your impressive credit rating. We have shipped your Order 1166 by empire Express and you should receive the furniture by Friday, December 12 we are confident that you will enjoy doing business with us. We will certainly do everything we can to deserve your business.Sincerely yours,

543 a nuestros pasajeros: Muchos de ustedes, por desgracia, se retrasaron en su viaje a casa el viernes, 23 de julio. El retraso fue causado por un fallo en nuestra planta de energía Albany. Una de nuestras calderas se rompió ayer, ya pesar de los intensos esfuerzos de nuestros empleados, no pudo ser reparado a tiempo para manejar la hora pico de la tarde. El poder no se restablecióhasta las 7 pm Nuestro programa de mejora está haciendo considerables, los progresos alentadores. Si todo va bien, deberíamos ser capaces de cerrar la planta existente y la adquisición comercial de electricidad en o antes del 1 de enero. Cuando esta conversión se complete, seremos capaces de eliminar por completo todos los retrasos resultantes de la falta de alimentación. Nos disculpamos porcualquier inconveniente personal que pueda haber sido causado el 23 de julio. El Ferrocarril Central

544 Estimada Sra. Brown: Recientemente he descubierto una copia del informe de investigación, el futuro del mercado de muebles, en nuestra biblioteca. Entiendo que este informe fue preparado por su preocupación por la Asociación de Fabricantes de Muebles Unidos. Creo que es excelente, y he disfrutadoleyéndolo. Me gustaría tener una copia de mi propia para compartir con algunos de mis colegas en el departamento de publicidad. ¿Puedo tener una? Yo estaría encantado de pagar por ello, la Sra. Brown, si usted me deja saber el costo. Atentamente,

545 Estimado Sr. Blair: Estamos encantados de que haya disfrutado leyendo nuestro informe de investigación especial, "El futuro del mercado de...
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