Lectura En Sala

Páginas: 22 (5344 palabras) Publicado: 25 de septiembre de 2011
Now after you have learned about the correct nutrition and sleeping habits let’s get taller
Before you  start performing the exercises make sure that you understand them correctly so you can perform them correctly. Make sure that your health isn’t questionable if you feel that your health is in danger quit the program immediately and contact your physician. |   |
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Now let’s getstarted
In the first  chapter we've designed a set of (6) exercises for the purpose of preparing you for the vigorous exercise program prescribed in the latter two chapters as well as to lengthen your body for those added inches.
This chapter should not be skipped or substituted.
 Perform all of the exercises in this chapter twice a day   once in the morning, after waking up and once in the evening,before going to bed   for 7 consecutive days before you start the Body Conditioning Exercises. Continue performing these exercises for an additional 2 weeks while you are also performing the Body Conditioning Exercises

Now  we've given you a few simple tips on how to obtain a couple of extra inches, it's time to find out how sincere and dedicated you really are toward reaching your goal ofadding several extra inches.

It is generally accepted that physical activity encourages bone growth in humans. Scientific tests have shown that following vigorous training or (exercise), an increase of growth hormones has been observed in the human body.

In this chapter we've designed a set of (6) exercises for the purpose of preparing you for the vigorous exercise program prescribed in thelatter two chapters as wen as to lengthen your body for those added inches. This chapter should not be skipped or substituted. Perform all of the exercises in this chapter twice a day   once in the morning, after waking up and once in the evening, before going to bed   for 7 consecutive days before you start the Body Conditioning Exercises. Continue performing these exercises for an additional 2weeks while you are also performing the Body Conditioning Exercises.
You should be able to complete all of the preliminary exercises within 15 minutes. Before you start this first set of preliminary exercises, we would like to point out that you are now beginning the part of our specialty designed program, that is going to require a conscious effort and strong determination and will power on yourpart. The plain truth is that your not going to increase your height by wishing for extra inches. No one can achieve a worthwhile goal without devoting the necessary time and making the necessary sacrifices toward accomplishing that goal. The fact of the matter is you're going to have to make sacrifices and devote your spare time toward one goal   Being Taller. In order to accomplish this, you mustexercise whenever you can and be strong minded enough to carry on each day without giving up. Don't cheat yourself out of this opportunity. You owe it to yourself so give it your all.

Once you have started the Regular Exercise Program, as described in chapter 6, you must not stop these exercises. It will certainly add to your height development if you continue performing as many of theseexercises as your energy and time win permit.

Now for those of you who are really serious about being taller   let's get started.

(NOTE) While we recommend certain time limits to follow while performing all the exercises in this book, we do not however, recommend performing any of these exercises to the point of exhaustion. Do not over exert yourself. If you have a shortness of breath or becomeoverly fatigued, discontinue these exercises immediately until you are rested enough to continue at your own pace.
Preliminary Exercises
1. Before getting out of bed each morning (and before going to sleep each evening), stretch your arms and legs to their limit. Point your toes towards the foot of the bed, point your outstretched arms towards the head of the bed, and stretch your body to its...
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