Leer Es Vivir

Páginas: 2 (267 palabras) Publicado: 22 de julio de 2012
Reported questions
If you put a question into Reported speech there are some steps which are the same like instatements: (changing of the person, backshift oftenses, changing of expressions of time).
In Reported speech there is no question anymore, the sentence becomes a statement.
That's why the word order is: subject - verbForm and meaning
These general rules for reported speech also apply.
1. When we report questions, the subject comes before the verb.
* Direct speech:"Where are you going?" 
Reported speech: He asked me where I was going.
* Direct speech: "Why is he shouting?" 
Reported speech: He asked me why he wasshouting.
* Direct speech: "What do you want?" 
Reported speech: She asked me what I wanted.
2. When reporting questions we don't use the auxiliary verb do,except in negative questions.
* Direct speech: "Who doesn't like cheese?" 
Reported speech: She asked me who didn't like cheese.
3. We report yes / noquestions with if or whether.
* Direct speech: "Do you want me to come?" 
Reported speech: I asked him if he wanted me to come.
* Direct speech: "Have you fedthe dog?" 
Reported speech: She asked me whether I had fed the dog.
4. When we report questions with who, what or which + to be + object, the verb be can comebefore or after the object.
* Direct speech: "Who is the champion?" 
Reported speech: She asked me who the champion was / She asked me who was the champion.* Direct speech: "What is your favourite colour?" 
Reported speech: She asked me what my favourite colourwas OR She asked me what was my favourite colour.
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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas