Lesson planing

Páginas: 3 (533 palabras) Publicado: 21 de diciembre de 2011

A lesson plan is a teacher's detailed description of the course of instruction for one class. A daily lesson plan is developed by a teacher to guide class instruction. Detailswill vary depending on the preference of the teacher, subject being covered, and the need and/or curiosity of children. There may be requirements mandated by the school system regarding the plan.Lesson planning is important for being clear on what you want to teach, give your teaching a framework, an overall shape, a reminder for the teacher when students get distracted. For teachers isimportant because they don’t have to improvise, they will always feel prepared, are clear on the procedure to follow, they build on previous teaching and prepare for coming lessons.

For the learner lessonplanning is important because they realize that the teacher cares for their learning, attend a structured lesson easier to assimilate, they appreciate their teachers work as a model of well organizedwork to imitate.

A lesson plan must have variety, coherence, balance but also it must have flexibility to apply the changes necessaries to improve our class

To design a lesson plan you must totake into account the following:

1. Information about learners.- How many? How old? Quiet? Agitated? Who?

2. Objectives.- Official program, students needs, text book, scope and sequence

3.Procedure.- What to do?, logical sequence, how to do, how much time, who does what.

4. Aids.- text book, worksheets, board, wallpaper maps, audio visual, lap top, realia

Writing down the aims andthe procedure for each stage of the lesson helps us to make sure that we have planned the best possible sequence to enable us to achieve those aims.

The plan can also help the teacher to checktiming -the amount of time we plan for each stage- and to check that lesson is following the sequence we decided on.

We can keep the plan as a record of what happened, making any necessary changes to...
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