
Páginas: 2 (499 palabras) Publicado: 31 de marzo de 2011
El mundo se está observando la situación en Libia con alarma. Nos unimos a la comunidad internacional para condenar enérgicamente la violencia en Libia.Nuestros pensamientosy oraciones están con aquellos cuyas vidas se han perdido,y con sus seres queridos. El gobierno de Libia tiene la responsabilidad de respetarlos derechos universales de las personas, incluido el derecho a la libertad deexpresión y de reunión. Ahora es el momento de detener este derramamiento de sangre inaceptable. Estamos trabajando con urgencia con los amigos y socios en todo el mundo para transmitir este mensajeal gobierno libio.

The world is watching the situation in Libya with alarm. We join the international community in strongly condemning the violence in Libya. Our thoughts and prayers are with those whose liveshave been lost, and with their loved ones. The government of Libya has a responsibility to respect the universal rights of the people, including the right to free expression and assembly. Now is thetime to stop this unacceptable bloodshed. We are working urgently with friends and partners around the world to convey this message to the Libyan governm.ent

We are monitoring the situation inEgypt closely. The United States supports the fundamental right of expression and assembly for all people. All parties should exercise restraint, and we call on the Egyptian authorities to handlethese protests peacefully.
As Secretary Clinton said in Doha, people across the Middle East – like people everywhere – are seeking a chance to contribute and to have a role in the decisions that willshape their lives. We want to see reform occur, in Egypt and elsewhere, to create greater political, social, and economic opportunity consistent with people’s aspirations. The United States is a partnerof Egypt and the Egyptian people in this process, which we believe should unfold in a peaceful atmosphere.
We have raised with governments in the region the need for reforms and greater...
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