Lic. en adomon emp.

Páginas: 6 (1252 palabras) Publicado: 14 de septiembre de 2012

1. Natural fertilizer …………………………………compost TOMSPOC C
2. Illness caused by pollution …….……………….Asthma HAMTAS A
3. Consume carbon dioxide and produce oxygen ...These RESET T
4.Gas that traps heat from the sun …………greenhouse gas ENSHEROGUE GAS G
5. Toxic gas found on farms and landfills ……...Methane EMENHAT M
6. The cleanest fossil fuel ……………………….Natural gas ALTRUNA SAG N
7. Describes foods produced without chemicals …….Organic GRAINOT O
8. Impact of human being on earth ……...Carbon footprint ONBARC TRIPTONOF C9. Energy from the sun ……………………Solar energy RALSO YENREG S
10. Place where trash is sent or collected ……….Landfill FLADLILN L
11. A way to reduce waste …………………....Recycling CLERCINGY R
12. Burning fossil fuels is a main cause ….Global Warming LABOL WRANGIN G
13. Air surrounding the earth ……………Atmosphere THROMPASEE A
14. Most common greenhouse gas………….Carbon Dioxide ROBCAN EXDIDIO C
15. Part of the earth’s atmosphere …………Ozone Leary NOOZE REALY O
16. Provides a non-polluting form of transport ….Bicycle CICEBLY B
17. Global Warming is changing this …………Climate IMETALC C
18. Energy that nature can provide continuously...Renewable energy NELBEWARE REGNY R
19. Group of living organisms and their environment….Ecosystem MYSEECOST E20. International treaty ……………………….Kyoto protocol TOKOY CLOPOROT T.


Useful English vocabulary, phrases and terms relating to the environment..

Acid rain- Acid rain is rain mixed with sulphuric, nitric and other acids formed by gases released into the atmosphere when fossil fuels are burned (factory smoke, cars, etc.).
Acid rain is consideredresponsible for damaging forests and crops.
And is particularly harmful to fish and other aquatic life in rivers and lakes.
Aquifer- An aquifer is an underground laver of rock and san that store water and transmits it to well and springs.
This water, called ground water, can be used for drinking or other purposes.
Arid- Land or climate that is extremely dry due to very low rainfall.
Agriculture in aridregions is impossible without irrigation.
Asthma- Asthmas is a chronic respiratory disorder which is characterized by shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing and tightness of the chest.
Asthma often arises from allergies or can be caused by exposure to polluted environments.
Awareness- Consciousness that a condition or event exists..
Ban- Forbid or prohibit something.
Biodegradable- Capableof being broken down or decomposed by natural biological processes..
The term is used to refer to “environmentally friendly” products.
Many chemicals, food scraps, cotton, wool, and paper are bio-degradable: plastics and polyester generally are not.
Biotechnology- The application of technology to the study or manipulation of living things in areas such as agricultural production, hybrid plantdevelopment, medicine, environmental research, etc.
Carbon footprint- A measure of the effect that human activities have on the climate (measured in units of carbon dioxide).
Carcinogénic- Sustancia capaz de causar cáncer.
Carcinogen- Capable of causing cancer..
A substance that may cause cancer in animals or humans..
C0 - Carbon monoxide a colourless, odourless, poisonous gas, produced byincomplete burning of organic materials such as oil, coal and wood..
C02 - Carbon dioxide: a colourless, odourless, non-poisonous gas that is a normal part of the air.
It is absorbed by plants and exhaled by humans and animals.
Burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, wood) increases carbon dioxide..
Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming.
Climate change- Climate...
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