Linea Del Tiempo Wwi

Páginas: 3 (686 palabras) Publicado: 25 de septiembre de 2012
*Western democracies tried to strengthen the framework for peace.
*Spain was a monarchy dominated by the Catholic Church.
*Dictators in Spain, Germany, Italy and Japan pursued the goalof an empire, glorifying war and scorning peace. While Britain, France and the United States governments tried to avoid conflict through diplomacy.
*Japan seized Manchuria, act that wascondemned by the League of Nations.
*Citizens of Spain reveled against the king, and created a republic with a new and more liberal constitution.
*Italy invaded Ethiopia.
*Germany sent troopsto the border with France.
*Spanish plunged into a bloody civil war, between conservatives and liberals; leaded by the nationalist Francisco Franco.
*Japanese armies overran much of easternChina.
*Germans bombed and attacked Guernica (Spanish city), in order to help Francisco Franco against the revolution.
*Hitler performed the Anschluss, what unify Germany and Austria.
*Thegovernment of Czechoslovakia gave up the territory of Sudetenland to Germany, for international pressure.
1939- Beginning of War
*Franco triumphed and created a fascist dictatorship.
*Hitler andStalin made Nazi-Soviet pact, promising peaceful relations, also in the pact was agreed to divide Poland (nation protected by Britain and France). A week later German forces invaded Poland; Britain andFrance honoring their commitment with Poland, declared war on Germany.
(During the mid-1930, while war exploded in Europe; United States forbade the selling of army to nations in war, trying to not getinvolved in the European War)
*Hitler launched “blitzkrieg” against Norway and Denmark, conquering more territory. Later German Forces succeed in the attack of the Netherlands and Belgium.*When Germany tried to attack Britain, this country improvised an armada using all available ships, which succeed in the task of protecting Britain without any trouble.
*German forces headed Paris,...
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