Los Aztecas

Páginas: 2 (386 palabras) Publicado: 8 de enero de 2013


The Mexican state was a theocracy headed by huey-tlatoani porreemplazabaelected president in the event maximum absences. At lower levels there weremany officials, including judges responsible for monitoring compliance and the guardians of arms caches.

Domain structure
Especially in central Mexico, the Guerrero region and the Gulf Coast of Mexicoandparts of Oaxaca. Enclaves also had several strategic positions in the region ofTabasco (Xicalanco) and dominated the route between the heart of Mesoamericaand Xoconochco-rich region located in thesouthern Mexican state of Chiapastoday, which was ruled directly by the Mexica.

The Aztecs expanded their economic control, primarily through taxation, through a large region of centralMexico today, with important exceptions altepetl controldissidents or political borders. Formally, it was a set of domains initially governedthe three states of the Triple Alliance, Texcoco, andMexico-Tenochtitlan Tlacopan-although it is true that the Aztecs of Tenochtitlan led this confederation and werementioned. Moreover, the Aztecs never established direct rule over conquered peoples.ECONOMY

The economy was thriving. First, their control over other people allowed to haveabundant labor. Moreover, the collection of tribute they had made ​​the pipiltinabundance of rawmaterials and products. Another factor that made possible theprosperity was the use of advanced agricultural techniques. Tenochtitlan, the Azteccapital, was built on an island in the middle ofLake Texcoco. The Aztecs created a technique that allowed them to grow on water: the chinampas. It was ground pools, branches and plants floating in the lakes; the anchored with sticks, covered withsoil and cultivated them. They also built terraced fields in mountain areas. Usedplant and animal manures.


Various peoples lived together in the final stage of...
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  • Los aztecas

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