Los niños heroes en ingles

Páginas: 11 (2716 palabras) Publicado: 1 de diciembre de 2010
Children heroes of the Battle of Chapultepec
The war between the U.S. and Mexico September 13, 1847 the invasion had its origins in the qurer interest in expanding their territories of the United States Supported by the doctrine of manifest destiny for them as estrus grades would bring benefits to the economy and having as Background the separation of Texas and its subsequent annexation to theUnited States. Estadounidence 1846 Congress declared war on Mexico to address the illegal invasion of the Mexican Army on its territory the fighting ended in the jump castle of Chapultepec on 13 September one, 1847 one year later in 1848 he signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo by which gave the territories north of the Rio Grande many Mexicans who lost their civilian and military who lost herlife during invasion of some know their names but many more remain unknown but are all part of our memory. When the attack on the castle Santa Anna ordered that more advantaged students were sent to the army as officers and others to leave the campus however they requested to remain in the building and defend it with their own lives. These are some of the leaders and cadets who died in the Battle ofChapultepec Castle
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Juan Bautista Martinez Pascacio Escutia

Baptized on July 1, 1822 at the Tabernacle of Tepic, Nayarit. Educated in his home town son of Maria Dolores Martinez and Antonio Escudero, government employee recognition and being the godson of the committee chairman who swore independence from Mexico inTepic, education was patriotic in every aspect. When the war between the United States and Mexico broke out in 1846 he joined the Military College of the City of Mexico on September 9, 1847, with the status of "student added," because of the urgency of the moment, procedures could not be completed. Four days later participated in the defense of Chapultepec Castle, which houses the MilitaryAcademy, along with 200 cadets and 1600 Mexican soldiers for hour’s resisted attack much higher than the U.S. military.

Charged with guarding the tower where the flag flew, the boy did not flinch and he did everything he could to prevent the Americans will take the flag, but failed. The opposing soldiers threw a bullet to the chest and Juan Escutia died trying to save the nation.

Fernando JoséAntonio Montes de Oca Rodríguez

Was bort in Azcapotzalco on May 29, 1829. At seventeen years of age, January 24, 1847 submitted its application to enter the military academy run by a truly laudable and patriotic motive: "I wanted to serve in the glorious career of the arm to see, at the same time, it invaded is our Republic and wanting to be helpful in the current war with North America.” Hismother, the widow of an Army captain, promised to "minister shoes and underwear you need during your stay in the repeated establishment, except the uniform," as this was provided by the school. Montes de Oca was assigned to the first company.


The day of battle, Montes de Oca also tried leaving the castle, jumping out of windows, same thing happened to Francisco Marquez, died hunted by Americanshooters. However, unlike Marquez, on his death it is testimony. First, Joseph T. Cuéllar, surely a friend of Montes de Oca, does estrujante comment: "I picked up in times of assault in intimate things, the fatal harbinger of Montes de Oca, who do not know what eternity voice announced her death. Impressed by the conviction with which he announced an end, I searched among my comrades in combat,he sought after among the prisoners, but I found none. “According to Cuellar, three days after his body was found on the hill to the north side.

Francisco Marquez Paniagua

Exact date of his birth, probably in the city of Guadalajara. When submitting your application to enter the military academy, the January 16, 1847, Marquez himself said "having the age of thirteen, fourteen entered." He...
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