Love yourself

Páginas: 3 (537 palabras) Publicado: 3 de abril de 2010
I understand that to love another, first we have to love ourself. However, the idea persists that loving yourself is a sense egocentric, childish, destructive ... but logic tells us that we canonly offer what we have and that the most we have is our ability to ... When I refer to love, I mean that love has nothing to do with the flesh, I mean a spiritual love, unconditional ... withoutexpecting anything in return ... This does not mean having to take stock who did what and who did more. Sometimes you may give more than they give us, but there will be times we need and receive more ofwhat we are capable of giving. Count the many means a sporting competition, not support a mutual relationship.
Real love requires giving the other person without thinking about who gets the best part...

Ways to love

Don’t criticize ·

This is perhaps the most important point. If we tell ourselves that, whatever happens, we are well and are worth, we can easily change our lives. But ifwe say we are wrong, we will find it enormously difficult to achieve. We all change, all. Every day is a new day and do things somewhat differently than we did yesterday. Our ability to adapt and moveforward with the process of life is our power. In a way we all feel insecure, because we are human. We learn to pretend we are not perfect. The need to be perfect we only creates enormous pressure,and prevents us from seeing aspects of our lives that need healing. Instead we may discover our creative skills, our individuality, and value for those qualities that distinguish us from others. Each ofus has a unique role to play in the Earth, obscuring the role criticize.

Don’t scare ·

Many of us were filled with fear with frightening thoughts, making them make the situations worse thanthey are. We take a small problem and transform it into a giant monster. In a terrible way to live, always waiting for the worst from happening in our lives. How many of you are going to bed at night...
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