Mente brillante

Páginas: 8 (1984 palabras) Publicado: 26 de enero de 2011
authentic happines

Preguntas van de - a positivo

24 preguntas
Preguntas de rutinas y como uno las maneja a como tambien preguntas de la vida en general.

pregunta de mi existencia

pregunatas de auto valoracion


24 preguntas

como uno se desempena en la vida, social, con uno mismo,

Here are your scores on the Brief Strengths Test. For moreinformation, see the book Authentic Happiness. This questionnaire measures the same character strengths as the VIA Signature Strengths Survey. It's a shorter version that looks only at your behavior in the past month and depends a bit more on your interpretation of the brief descriptions of the strengths.
Two descriptions of each strength are provided. The first is the latest version, from CharacterStrengths and Virtues. The second is from Authentic Happiness and the VIA Signature Strengths Survey. Your self-ratings are compared to those of other users of this questionnaire on this website, except those who selected Not Applicable for the strength.

English Test Results #1 - December 12 2010

Curiosity [interest, novelty-seeking, openness to experience]
Taking an interestin all of ongoing experience for its own sake; finding subjects and topics fascinating; exploring and discovering
Curiosity and interest in the world - You are curious about everything. You are always asking questions, and you find all subjects and topics fascinating. You like exploration and discovery.

Brief Strengths Test


December 12, 201099% 99% 98% 99% 99% 99%


ask questions that supplies answers that are the same but it depends on how you see things

Optimism Test
Here are your scores on the Optimism Test. The following two sections will explain the two basic dimensions of optimism. There are two crucial dimensions to your explanatory style: permanence and pervasiveness.For further information see the book Authentic Happiness.

Español Test Results #1 - December 14 2010

Permanence-Good Events
People who believe good events have a permanent cause are more optimistic than those who believe they have temporary causes.
If your score is 7 or 8, you are very optimistic about the likelihood of good events continuing; 6, moderately optimistic; 4 or 5,average; 3, moderately pessimistic; and 0, 1, or 2, very pessimistic.

Optimism Test

32 questions

Permanent - Good Events December 14, 2010

0 to 8

45 % 44 % 45 % 45 % 40 % 44 %

Permanence-Bad Events
People who give up easily believe the causes of the bad events that happen to them are permanent—thebad events will persist, are always going to be there to affect their lives. People who resist helplessness believe the causes of bad events are temporary.
If your score is 0-1, you are very optimistic on this dimension; 2 or 3, moderately optimistic; 4 average, 5 or 6 quite pessimistic; and if you got a 7 or 8 you are very pessimistic.
Optimism Test

Permanent - Bad EventsDecember 14, 2010

8 to 0

100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %

Pervasiveness-Good Events
The optimist believes good events will enhance everything he does, while the pessimist believes good events are caused by specific factors.
If your score is 7 or 8, you are very optimistic; 6, moderately optimistic; 4 or 5, average; 3, moderatelypessimistic; and 0, 1, or 2, very pessimistic

Optimism Test

Pervasive - Good Events December 14, 2010

0 to 8

35 % 38 % 36 % 37 % 39 % 30 %

Pervasiveness-Bad Events
People who make universal (pessimistic) explanations for their failures give up on everything when a failure strikes in one area. People who make...
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