
Páginas: 8 (1965 palabras) Publicado: 25 de noviembre de 2013
The electronegativity (c) of an element is the ability of an atom of that element to attract electrons to itself when part of a compound. If an atom has a tendency to attract electrons is said to be very electronegative (such as elements close to fluorine) and if your tendency is to lose those electrons is said to be very electropositive (such as alkaline elements). Theelectronegativity has numerous applications in the energies of bonds, as in the predictions of the polarity of bonds and molecules and also in streamlining the types of reactions that can undergo chemical species.
Metals, non-metals, metalloids and transition metals
The first classification of known elements, was proposed by Antoine Lavoisier, who proposed that the elements are classified intometals, non-metals and metalloid or transition metals. Although very practical and functional yet modern periodic table, was rejected because there were many differences both in the physical and in the chemical
Metal concept relates to both pure elements and alloys with metallic characteristics, such as steel and bronze. Metals comprise most of the periodic table of the elements and are separated fromnon-metals by a diagonal line between boron and polonium. Compared to non-metals have low electronegativities and low ionization energy, making it easier for electrons and yield metal more difficult to gain.
On a non-metal, the chemical elements opposed to metals because their characteristics are totally different. Non-metals, excluding hydrogen, are located in the periodic table of the elementsin the block p. The elements of this block are non-metals, metalloids except (B, Si, Ge, As, Sb, Te), all noble gases (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn), and some metals (Al , Ga, In, Tl, Sn, Pb).

Non-metals are colored to the right of the periodic table.
Tend to form anions in aqueous solution or oxyanions. Its surface is dull and are poor conductors of heat and electricity. Compared to metals, arelow density, and melt at low temperatures. The shape of non-metals can easily be altered because they tend to be fragile and brittle.
Hydrogen (H)
Carbon (C)
Nitrogen (N)
Oxygen (O)
Fluorine (F)
Phosphorus (P)
Sulfur (S)
Chlorine (Cl)
Selenium (Se)
Bromine (Br)
Iodine (I)
Astatine (At)
The properties of non-metals are, among others, are poor conductors of electricity and heat. They haveno luster. By their fragility in wires can be stretched or flattened in laminas.La Most of these are gases at normal temperature, typically behaves as a nonmetal. A metal not usually insulating or semiconductor of electricity. Nonmetals tend to form ionic bonds with metals, gaining electrons, or covalent bonds oc with other nonmetals sharing electrons. Its oxides are acidic.
The non-metals,especially the outer layers, and the bodies are composed mostly of non-metals

Together with the metals and non-metals, semimetals (also known as metalloid) comprise one of three classes of chemicals according to a classification according to the binding properties and ionization. They are characterized by an intermediate behavior between metals and nonmetals. They can be both bright and opaque, andits shape can be changed easily. Generally, the metalloids are better conductors of heat and electricity than nonmetals, but not as much as metals. There is no way to distinguish unambiguously metalloid real metals, but generally differ in that the metalloids are semiconductors rather than drivers.
Metalloids are considered the following elements:
Boron (B)
Silicon (Si)
Germanium (Ge)Arsenic (As)
Antimony (Sb)
Tellurium (Te)
Polonium (Po)
In the periodic table are metalloids in diagonal line from boron to astatine

The transition elements are those chemical elements which are located in the central part of the periodic system , in block d, whose main feature is the inclusion in the d orbital electron configuration , partially filled with electrons. This definition can be...
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