Mi vida

Páginas: 4 (880 palabras) Publicado: 26 de marzo de 2011
TURISMO.- All the natural regions of Venezuela possess great quantity of tourist attractions. In view of the development of his tourist industry, Margarita's Island is the excellentdestination for the scattering, being valued by his beaches, his climate and his culture. Also they emphasize the archipelago of The Roques and the National Park Morrocoy. The Amazonian Jungle possessestribes indigenous to great interest and special natural attractions, between them Angel and the tepuyes are outlined the Jump, whereas the popularity of the Great Sheet goes in increase. The Dunes ofChoir and the Cave of the Sickly one also wake interest up for his peculiarity. The Andean, attractive region also for his moderate climate and his landscapes, it possesses the Beak Bolivar and theTeleférico of Merida, as well as the Sierra Nevada. The urban destinations are profitable specially in the historical hull of every city, being Caracas the most visited city - near of 231 thousandinternational tourists in 2008. Venezuela is a specially interesting country for the development of the ecotourism or the tourism of adventure, and his principal destinations are the National Park Canaima, theRegion of The Plains (that has areas of exuberant biodiversity), the condition The Amazon, and the uninhabited island The Tortoise, between others. The low cost of the transport, in view of the lowprice of the petrol in Venezuela, favors the mobility of the tourists. These destinations ecoturísticos are advisable for visitors in search of risk, adventure and experiences different from theconventional tourism.
IDIOMA.- Though the country is for the most part monolingual in Castilian, numerous languages are spoken in Venezuela. Besides the Castilian, the Constitution recognizes-wayúu morethan one treintena of indigenous languages, warao, pemón and different many - for the official use of the Amerindian peoples, the majority with few speakers - less 1 % of the total population. The...
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