Mundial, Cálculo

Páginas: 6 (1329 palabras) Publicado: 4 de septiembre de 2011
QUE TAL.... ESTO..........

Mira este infalible cálculo científico:

1. Brasil gano la copa mundial en 1994, antes que eso, ganaron el mundial en 1970.
    Sumen 1970 + 1994= 3964

2. Argentina ganó su última copa mundial en 1986, antes que eso ganaron el mundial en 1978. 
    Sumen 1978 + 1986= 3964

3. Alemania ganó su últimacopa mundial en 1990, antes que eso,  ganaron el mundial en 1974. 
    Sumen 1974 + 1990= 3964

4. El mundial 2002 Brasil repitió el campeonato, y es lógico, ya que si sumamos 1962 (donde Brasil fue
    campeón) 1962+ 2002= 3964, por lo tanto, Brasil debía ser el campeón, y así fue.

5. Y si se quiere pronosticar el campeón para Sudafrica 2010. 
     Resten 3964 – 2010= 1954... Ese año el campeónmundial fue Alemania, así que se escuchan pronósticos
     para el 2010.....

6. Y LO MÁS IMPACTANTE: Los COLOMBIANOS tenemos también motivo para alegrarnos, ya que seguramenteganaremos el mundial en el año 3964. Porque 0 + 3964 = 3964.

O sea que ya sólo tenemos que esperar 488 mundiales para ser campeones! Eso equivale a 1954 años. En 1954 ALEMANIA fue campeón del mundo. Así que la final va a sercontra los ALEMANES... ni se imaginan la goleada que les vamos a dar. ¡¡¡Pobrecitos!...

The human race has scaled the tallest mountains, charted the deepest oceans and played a quick front nine on the freaking moon, but there's one frontier that still largely mystifies us: our own bodies.
There are everyday phenomenons you'd think must have been explained ages ago, but in reality asking thesesimple questions of a scientist will net you at best a shrug, and at worst some bullshit he just made up off the top of his head.


The act of yawning is baffling to experts for two reasons. One, it doesn't actually seem to serve any purpose. Seriously, when you feel a yawn
coming on, suppress it. What happens? Do you go into convulsions? Is your face
racked by pain? Doesblood shoot from your nose? No. Not a damned thing happens.
Equally baffling, though, is the contagious nature of it. Yawn, and whoever sees you will yawn. When a chimpanzee yawns,
the other chimps yawn. If you yawn, you can make a dog yawn. Seriously, try it.

Odds are you've yawned once just because you read the word "yawn" several times above. Why?
Science's Wild-Ass Guess:
Your sciencetextbook in elementary school may have said that low oxygen levels in the blood triggered yawning, with the yawn
providing a quick influx of the gas. That was the prevailing theory going back to the days of ancient Greece. As
is usually the case though, it turns out people from back in the day didn't know what the hell they were talking about.
In fact it's been found yawning may actuallydecrease oxygen intake. Makes sense, when you do hard exercise you don't start
frantically yawning. You don't see athletes yawning in the middle of a sprint.
Unfortunately, the alternatives are quite a bit more insane.
Such as the theory that yawning is the body's way of controlling
brain temperature. Yeah, apparently scientists think our brains function with all
the complexity of an old carengine. And you know how you're always yawning when you wear a hat, right? Right?

The proof of this was experiments in which it was found people with cool packs attached to their
heads yawned less. Unless there could be some other reason people sitting in an unfamiliar lab with ice
packs on their heads weren't much in a yawning mood...
As for why yawning is contagious, some scientists havepointed to human being's
primitive herd instincts, figuring group yawning could have helped regulate sleeping patterns so that a "whoops,
we all fell asleep at once and got eaten by giant sloths" situation didn't develop.
This remains merely a theory though, and of course still doesn't explain why people yawn while on their own.


Hey teenagers, need something
else to...
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