
Páginas: 3 (541 palabras) Publicado: 6 de febrero de 2013
Examen Tipo Icfes de Inglés - Segundo Examen
Publicado Por Felipe Calvo
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Este es el segundo cuestionario online preparatorio para elexamen de estado para el ingreso a la educación superior Icfes, en este caso, sobre Inglés.
El tiempo estipulado para desarrollar este mini examen es de 15 minutos.
A medida que respondas se tecalificará automáticamente y al final cuando des click en Finalizar se te dirán los resultados de tu examen.

 Comprensión de textos

Principio delformulario
Answer the questions 1-3 according to the following text:

The pen is mightier than the sword, they say; ¿so why not use it? Write to packaging anufacturers and ask them toforgo CFCs and excess packaging on items you buyregularly.
Write to anufacturers of canned goods and ask them to remove the sugar. Write to paper suppliers and ask them to produce unbleached andrecycled paper.

1. In the text, the underlined word it refers to:
 The pen 
 The sword 

2. In the text, the underlined word regularly means
 Only  Frequently

3. In the text, the words canned goods mean:
 Plastic goods 
 Tinned food 
 Metal goods 
 Dog food

 Construcción de párrafos

Jogging is good exercise when it is done regularly: atleast three times a week. It strengthens the leg muscles, and, (4) it forces the heart to beat faster, it also improves blood circulation. Many people also jog (5) control their weight.
Joggers burnup 62 calories for every kilometer they run. (6) , jogging helps decrease levels of emotional stress.


 help with 
 to help6.
 In contrast 
 In addition 

Answer the questions 7-8 taking into account the information given by the following graph:

7. The graph reflects that
 the average life...
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